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Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_lcapGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Voting_barGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_rcap 
Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_lcapGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Voting_barGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_rcap 
Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_lcapGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Voting_barGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_rcap 
Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_lcapGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Voting_barGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_rcap 
Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_lcapGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Voting_barGolden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Vote_rcap 
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Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  EmptyAyer a las 6:29 pm por Engh3

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 Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406

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Mensajes : 46481
Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Empty
MensajeTema: Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406    Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  EmptySáb Mar 18, 2017 9:46 pm

Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406
Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  0033a85b_medium

Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406 | 89.0 MB

MapViewer is an affordable mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to easily produce publication-quality thematic maps. Precisely display your data distribution with the most intuitive functions and features. Your data is unique and you need the best mapping software for the job!

MapViewer is an affordable and mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to easily produce publication-quality thematic maps. No data set is too complex to make an eye-catching plot. MapViewer helps you discover data trends and patterns in your data to help you make the right decision every time!

Create one of more than 16 unique and fully-customizable map types. Color your boundaries based on a data variable with the hatch map and territory map types. Create unique bar charts, pie charts, or line/scatter plots in each boundary with the bar map, pie map, and multi-graph map types. Grid your data and create gradient maps, contour maps, and vector maps from the grid. Re-size your map areas based on a data value with the three cartogram map types (contiguous, non-contiguous, and dorling) and the prism map type. Use the density map, symbol map, flow map, and line graph map types to display points, line graphs, or arrows on your map based on your data value. Add base maps and pin maps to your plot to display boundaries and point locations on your thematic maps.

OS : Windows XP SP2 or higher, Vista, 7, 8 (excluding RT) or higher
Language : English

Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  170_1

Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406  Download_01

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Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406

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» Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406
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» Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406
» Golden Software MapViewer 8.4.406

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