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MensajeTema: Bricsys BricsCAD v15 3 04-AMPED   Bricsys BricsCAD v15 3 04-AMPED EmptyMar Mayo 16, 2017 6:50 pm

Bricsys BricsCAD v15 3 04-AMPED
Bricsys BricsCAD v15 3 04-AMPED 030277c72908ac14850e

Bricsys BricsCAD v15 3 04-AMPED | 166 MB
BricsCAD is the powerful CAD software platform unifying the familiar feature set of native dwg with advanced 2D tools and intelligent 3D direct modeling on ShiChuang and Linux

BricsCAD offers powerful tools for direct solid modeling using our
geometric constraints solver. Direct modeling operations apply to all
ACIS solid geometry, whether created in BricsCAD or imported
Furthermore, a key feature of the BricsCAD direct editing capabilities is
the preservation of design intent, vastly simplifying the work on complex
Assembly modeling allows you to organize .dwg files in hierarchical
structures of mechanical components to model complex products. Assemble
your products with both top-down and bottom-up design and compose your
assembly with ease with the powerful 3D constraints between faces and
edges of different mechanical components
BricsCAD offers powerful tools for direct solid modeling using geometric
constraints solving. Solid models can be modified by defining constraints
between its elements. If there is a 3D constraint which fixes the
placement of faces or edges, this constraint will be preserved during
your modeling operations. It allows you to parametrize any feature of the
3D model
The new sheet metal design capabilities in BricsCAD create sheet metal
parts by extruding 2D profiles and then adding new flanges through pulled
edges. Bends, junctions and reliefs are added automatically. All direct
modeling operations and 3D constraints can be applied to editing sheet
metal parts. To output designs to computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
systems, sheet metal parts can be unfolded automatically and then
exported to 2D .dxf files
Since the introduction of direct modeling functions in BricsCAD V12, the
function most requested by users was the ability to generate associative
2D and 3D drawing views from 3D models. With BricsCAD V14, Bricsys
introduces new commands to automatically generate orthographic
isometric, and section views. The views are updated automatically when
the 3D model changes
o1 - Unpack the release into a directory of your choice
o2 - Run the installer and install it
o3 - Copy the files from /crack into the installation directory
o4 - Have a go with this unlimited trial, but buy it if you will use it
o5 - As always, make sure to have a firewall to block outbound connections

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» Bricsys BricsCAD v15 3 04-AMPED

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