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The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_rcap 
The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_rcap 
The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_rcap 
The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_rcap 
The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV Vote_rcap 
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 The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV

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MensajeTema: The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV   The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV EmptySáb Jun 03, 2017 2:31 am

The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV
The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV 75ad124b5f9e0ab301f4

The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV | 238 MB

The brush loop and sample collection you've been waiting for is finally here. Introducing The Art of Brushes Volume 4 - The warmest, most expansive brush library ever produced.

To capture a wide and dynamic sonic palette, we utilized a host of classic snare drums in 6 different recording sessions. Vintage Slingerlands, chrome Ludwigs and maple Gretsch snares were just a few of the drums used to produce this in-depth collection of brush loops and samples.

Each session contains dozens of groove variations, fills, and transitions, allowing you to easily build a custom drum track in seconds. We also meticulously sampled the brushes on every drum and cymbal, giving you incredible flexibility for layering and designing your own brush-based grooves.

Number of Loops: 211
Number of Samples: 109
Tempo Range: 83-207 BPM

- Instant Downloads
- 100% Royalty Free
- High Quality 24 Bit 48 KHZ Audio

Sets included:

83bpm Loose Ludwigs
96bpm Grooving Gretsch
110bpm Jingle Kit
170bpm Three Four
190bpm Folk In Three
207bpm Double Time

The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV 170_1

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The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV

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» The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV
» The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV
» The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV
» The Loop Loft The Art of Brushes Vol 4 WAV

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