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Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

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MensajeTema: Ueberschall Techno ID ELASTIK   Ueberschall Techno ID ELASTIK EmptyMar Jul 11, 2017 10:42 pm

Ueberschall Techno ID ELASTIK
Ueberschall Techno ID ELASTIK 856eadf1e3b3c9a74c778d3346776b50

Ueberschall Techno ID ELASTIK | 937 Mb

Techno ID is the brainchild of Berlin based producer, DJ and ueberschall regular, Asem Shama. The library delivers 10 complete construction kits that capture the sound of the current underground techno scene in the electronic music hub that is Berlin. The sounds are powerful and dark while the rhythms are hypnotic; for a deep techno groove that will get your audience moving, Techno ID delivers exactly what you need.

With relentless basses, cutting-edge synths and processed vocal samples, each construction kit includes multiple song sections making easy to build your own arrangements. Loop lengths extend to 16 bars with both sound and performance evolving to keep the listeners attention. Each construction kit also features individual loops for each kit element as well as pre-mixed stereo loops and, with the mixing options provided within Elastik, you can create breakdowns and that monster drum mix required to bring the dance floor to life. Individual drum sample are also supplied in each construction kit for added flexibility.

For an instant slice of modern, minimalist techno that won't let your audience go and delivered in an easy-to-use, flexible format, Techno ID has it covered. And if you are looking for more vocals to tune up your techno tracks, take a look at Adlibs.

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