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Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_lcapNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Voting_barNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_rcap 
Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_lcapNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Voting_barNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_rcap 
Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_lcapNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Voting_barNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_rcap 
Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_lcapNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Voting_barNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_rcap 
Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_lcapNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Voting_barNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_rcap 
Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_lcapNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Voting_barNero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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 Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final

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Mensajes : 46481
Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Empty
MensajeTema: Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final   Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final EmptyMar Jul 25, 2017 9:22 pm

Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final
Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final Ad17cba261fd16a4f3092bc413ca6d74

Nero WaveEditor 14.0.0020 Final | 56.7 Mb
Nero WaveEditor - is a program for editing and recording audio files. The various filtering and sound optimization methods allow you to create individual audio files quickly and easily. It also offers numerous improvement functions for recording from tape or vinyl records.

Non-destructive editing lets you try many options and undo all changes. A range of audio-processing options gives you complete control over your audio files. Real-time 'audition' lets you select and hear effects in real time, as your soundfile plays. Preset Manager lets you save your frequently-used settings. Sample format conversion, anti-aliasing filters, dithering, noise shaping.
Key features:
* Nero Wave Editor allows you to apply sound data as text: copy, cut, paste, delete, etc. for Example, it is enough to select the desired area on the chart to copy it and move to another part of the composition.
* Due to the fact that Nero Wave Editor has a huge set of tools, most of them do not have their own buttons on the toolbar and accessed through the main menu.
* Menu Level allows access to the basic tools of changing the volume of the audio signal. You can make it increasing or decreasing, and you can adjust the overall volume. An important feature of this menu is the function to Normalize... It allows you to adjust the volume level of the current record in compliance with the standard and is used for recording when you play them one after another no significant differences in volume.
* The Effects menu allows various ways to change sound to add echo, to impose the effect of choral performance, etc.
* Tools one of the most interesting in the program. With its help you can change the settings of the stereo image of the song or parts of it, to apply the EQ, limiting, or, conversely, increasing the number of sounds of a certain frequency.
* The Transpose function lets you change the frequency of the sound, for example, to make a male voice similar to a female or child. Using this menu you can change the length of the part of the composition or in its entirety. For Karaoke function to this menu I would like to stay more, because it is one of the most popular.

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