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XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Vote_lcapXLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Voting_barXLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Vote_rcap 
XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Vote_lcapXLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Voting_barXLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Vote_rcap 
XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Vote_lcapXLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Voting_barXLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Vote_rcap 
XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Vote_lcapXLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Voting_barXLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Vote_rcap 
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 XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R

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XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R Empty
MensajeTema: XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R   XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R EmptyJue Ago 17, 2017 11:25 pm

XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R
XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R M_VSqa08

XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R | 550 MB

The Black Velvet ADpak is the sound you always wished you could afford! A modern classic dressed in black captured with a large, epic sound. Created with the grunge/post-grunge era in mind, with roots in alternative rock transcending to an expensive arena rock-band sound, this takes you on a journey from Seattle to LA. This ADpak is made with the highest demands on everything throughout the whole recording chain, capturing the unmistakable raw attitude in a luxurious package.The included presets covers different clean setups to gritty alternative rock and grunge to slick, expensive and larger-than-life grandness. Black Velvet offers an almost unreal diversity - go from a tight, fat and controlled sound to unleashing some kind of monster by just pushing the room fader! Simply put, it's epic!

Black Velvet has a unique and massive sound because it was recorded in two different spaces. The drums were captured in a gymnasium-sized recording hall while the hi-hat and cymbals were recorded in a smaller studio. By altering overhead/room levels (or loading different presets) you can easily transform the kit from tight-and-fat to loud-and-large. You can even automate the changes to have a tight sound in the verse and gigantic sound in the chorus!

The Black Velvet ADpak includes 30 presets covering many different styles. There are a variety of clean presets that you can use as a starting point for your sound sculpting and tweaking. There are also many production-ready presets that give you instant access to great sounds ranging from tight and fat, to loud and large, and even experimental and industrial styles. If you need professional drumming, The Loud Beats & Songs MIDIpak is a perfect companion.

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» XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R
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» XLN Audio Black Velvet ADpak - R2R

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