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Global Optimization Toolbox 2017.0 Empty
MensajeTema: Global Optimization Toolbox 2017.0   Global Optimization Toolbox 2017.0 EmptyVie Sep 08, 2017 12:00 am

Global Optimization Toolbox 2017.0
Global Optimization Toolbox 2017.0 Image

Global Optimization Toolbox 2017.0 | 66.3 mb

Noesis Solutions, renowned for Optimus process integration and design optimization software, announced that Maplesoft has embedded Optimus technology as the engine in the latest release of the Maple Global Optimization Toolbox.

By integrating Optimus technology, simulation software vendors can offer their users market-leading design optimization capabilities that efficiently identify product designs offering benchmark performance.
Noesis Solutions' flagship product Optimus, developed since 1997, offers validated and robust design exploration and optimization technologies that are fully OEM ready. Optimus' OEM-ready libraries contain powerful Design of Experiments (DOE), Response Surface Modeling (RSM) and Design Optimization algorithms. Recently, Maplesoft embedded these Optimus libraries to power the latest release of the Maple Global Optimization Toolbox. Maple is a technical computing and documentation environment with acclaimed symbolic modeling technology that handles all of the complex mathematics involved in the development of engineering models.
Without requiring optimization expertise and extra development resources, leading software vendors like Maplesoft can further extend the power of their simulation offering using Optimus' OEM-ready libraries. Both the robustness and openness of the Optimus technology are crucial to enable an easy and flexible integration of its powerful design exploration and optimization capabilities in any third-party simulation environment. With Optimus technology driving the Maple Global Optimization Toolbox, engineers, mathematicians and scientists can efficiently conduct global optimization immediately. Global optimization identifies the best possible solution, outperforming sub-optimal local solutions that insufficiently exploit the available engineering potential. Using the embedded Optimus methods and options, Maple users can reach optimum solutions faster and solve more problems than ever before.
Noesis Solutions is an engineering innovation partner to manufacturers in engineering-intense industries. Specialized in solutions that enable Objectives Driven Draft-to-Craft Engineering processes, its software products and services help customers adopt a targeted development strategy that resolves their toughest multi-disciplinary engineering challenges.
Maplesoft, a subsidiary of Cybernet Systems Co., Ltd. in Japan, is the leading provider of high-performance software tools for engineering, science, and mathematics. Its product suite reflects the philosophy that with given great tools, people can do great things. Maplesoft's core technologies include the world's most advanced symbolic computation engine and revolutionary physical modeling techniques. Combined these technologies enable the creation of cutting-edge tools for design, modeling, and high-performance simulation.
Maplesoft's products help reduce errors, shorten design times, lower costs, and improve results. The Maplesoft product suite includes Maple, the technical computing and documentation environment, and MapleSim™, the high-performance, multi-domain modeling and simulation tool for physical systems.
Global Optimization Toolbox
2017.0 Build 1232665
32bit / 64bit

PC / MacOsx / Linux

Maplesoft Maple 2017.0 and newer
66.3 mb

Global Optimization Toolbox 2017.0 Oslj1fqgwyyi
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