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The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_rcap 
The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_rcap 
The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_rcap 
The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_rcap 
The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_lcapThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Voting_barThe Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Vote_rcap 
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 The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV

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MensajeTema: The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV   The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV EmptyMiér Oct 18, 2017 1:46 am

The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV
The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV Ffe8a8c1d1ce30f68bbb

The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV | 160 MB

Funk Essentials Volume 3 takes an old school approach to funk drums, infusing the soul of classic Stax and Motown tracks with the fat, warm, vintage tones of Universal Audio and API preamps.

Each session was recorded utilizing different drum kits, cymbals and mics, resulting in five distinct "vibes" of both loops and samples. Whether you're dragging and dropping the grooves into your DAW or programing your own beats with the samples, you'll have the vintage and authentic funk drum sound that has been sought after for decades.

Number of Loops & Samples: 228
Tempo Range: 78-123 BPM
- Instant Download
- 100% Royalty Free
- High Quality 24 Bit 48 KHZ Audio

Sets included:

The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV 170_1

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» The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV
» The Loop Loft Funk Essentials Vol 3 WAV

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