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Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_lcapPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Voting_barPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_rcap 
Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_lcapPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Voting_barPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_rcap 
Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_lcapPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Voting_barPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_rcap 
Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_lcapPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Voting_barPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_rcap 
Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_lcapPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Voting_barPartition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Vote_rcap 
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 Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable

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Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Empty
MensajeTema: Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable   Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable EmptyVie Nov 03, 2017 4:07 pm

Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable
Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Image

Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable | 8.9 MB

This is a very simple software application that enables users to create healthy partitions on their hard drives with great ease. Partition Bad Disk is a very simple piece of software that helps you create healthy partitions on hard drives with issues.

The interface of the program is quite simple and has not been updated in a while. The main window presents you the HDD previously selected, in a graphical manner. It applies color coding for primary partitions, logical disk, unassigned and back blocks. On the upper side of the main screen you can also find explications for all the buttons present.
The program takes you through three different stages in order to partition a specific hard drive. First and foremost, when opening the app, you have to select one of the detected HDDs. Pressing the 'Next' button will take you to a screen where you can scan the disk and set up the sizes of the partitions. In the following step, the Partition Bad Disk begins its actual work and all you have to do is wait.
This software utility scans the hard disk thoroughly and automatically isolates the bad sectors, so that the newly created partitions can be completely clean of such issues.
All in all, although Partition Bad Disk has an outdated interface, the program makes itself very useful and helps you save some old HDDs that have bad sectors.
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
: English

Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable Oslj1fqgwyyi
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Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable

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» Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable
» Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable
» Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable
» Partition Bad Disk 3.4.1 Portable

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