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Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Vote_lcapSurge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Voting_barSurge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Vote_rcap 
Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Vote_lcapSurge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Voting_barSurge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Vote_rcap 
Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Vote_lcapSurge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Voting_barSurge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Vote_rcap 
Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Vote_lcapSurge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Voting_barSurge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Vote_rcap 
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 Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi

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Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Empty
MensajeTema: Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi   Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi EmptyVie Dic 29, 2017 7:24 pm

Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets WAV MIDI
Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Image

Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets WAV MIDI | 865 Mb

Every sound was inspired by so many remarkable Future Pop, Melodic Bass and Future Bass artists on the current scene.
If you are looking to arm yourself with an innovative and cutting edge collection for your next smash hit, this pack is perfect for you!

This soundset, packed with 128 top notch Xfer Serum presets crafted with the most current sound design techniques, brings you a soundbank that you just cannot wait to start producing with!
You'll also find 5 construction kits with all the relevant audio, stems and MIDI from the demo.
Every sound was inspired by so many remarkable Future Pop, Melodic Bass and Future Bass artists on the current scene.
We also added lots of high quality bonus drum samples.
If you are looking to arm yourself with an innovative and cutting edge collection for your next smash hit, this pack is perfect for you!
128 Xfer Serum Presets
22 Synths
21 Leads
21 Basses
28 Plucks
23 Pads
13 Keys
4 Macros on every preset
33 MIDI Files
Wet, Dry, With SC and NO SC Audio Files
502 Total Files
Over 2.3 GBs
154 Drum Samples
48 Claps
47 Snares
34 Kicks
25 Hats

Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi Oslj1fqgwyyi

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Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets Wav Midi

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» Surge Sounds Future Pop Xfer Serum Presets WAV MIDI

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