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A to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Vote_lcapA to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Voting_barA to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Vote_rcap 
A to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Vote_lcapA to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Voting_barA to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Vote_rcap 
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A to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Vote_lcapA to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Voting_barA to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Vote_rcap 
A to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Vote_lcapA to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Voting_barA to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow Vote_rcap 
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 A to Z of Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow

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MensajeTema: A to Z of Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow   A to Z of  Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow EmptyJue Dic 10, 2020 9:44 am

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A to Z of Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow
Duration: 2h18m | .MP4 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 1.1 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
First Master the Core Theories & Functionalities & then dive into Real Time Practical Examples. Most Elegant & Precise.

What you'll learn
* Install and Configure Apache Nifi , Java Installation
* Hands-on Experience with Apache NiFi, Design your first flow, Examples
* Process different types of file like CSV, JSON, Text Files
* Installation, Security , Customization,Scalability of Apache NiFi
* Flowfile, Processor, Connections, Controller, Process Group, Input-Outout ports, Funnel
* Data Provenance
* Processor Relationships and many more.
* Integration with Relational Databases
* DataFlow Monitoring in Nifi
* Data Provenance, Creating your databse SCHEMA and adding data
* Develop Simple to Complex Dataflow, data view, Time Management
* Creating Custom Processors, Connecting your database with Nifi
* Manage Pooling, connecitng DATABASE
* Custom processors, process group, Event handling
* Overview of NiFi Cluster and Why it's required
* NiFi Cluster Setup in different environments on Servers.
* Data flow execution in cluster environment.
* Disconnecting a NiFi cluster node during maintenance activity..
* Rejoining Nodes back to cluster.
* Managing NiFi cluster when Server Shuts down.
* Load Balancing
* Running NiFi on HTTPS
* Core Theoretical concepts like Reporting, load balancing, ETL
* Lookup to some other processors like Apache kafka etc

Basic knowledge of databases and different data types.
Basic understanding of Data Flow, ETL and Data movement.
Interest to learn and explore more about data flow and data management.
Have you realised the Digital Evolutuon that already happened in this sweet Earth? And when it comes to digital, Data is most important.

Hence Data is everything in this today's digital evolution. Because data is king, hence you also have to handle and manage huge datas in scale in a systematic manner. Here comes the Apache Nifi.

Apache Nifi is a Framework built on java engine to create data pipelines and integrate with almost all the popular enterprise systems and 3rd party tools. Based on functional programming and drag and drop tool, it has more than 250 processors and more than 70 controllers to start working on your data flows.

Reason why we are prioritising Apache Nifi, because as per a recent survey made by Goldman Sachs, majority of top world class organisations are using this magnificent framework to stay top at their data game.

The course has been developed by Highly experienced Data analyst who has worked seamlessly with top rated organisations like Oracle, DBS bank, AIRBNB & Microsoft.

Initially we thought to stretch the course as long as we can, but later we realise its best to publish the zest of the course. So that you won't have to sit all day and night watching videos. All you we need is just 2 and half hours of your precious time. That would be good enough for a data analyst or a data scientist or admin to become PRO on Apache Nifi.

We have covered a balance mix of core theoretical concepts and also Hands on Practical Examples. But 90%+ of the module is Practical learnings. Once you complete this course, you will be able to create your data flow files in no time.

This course covers all the basic and advanced concepts based on apache Nifi like

· Install and Configure Apache Nifi , Java Installation

· Hands-on Experience with Apache NiFi,Design your first flow, Examples

· Process different types of file like CSV, JSON, Text Files

· Installation, Security , Customization,Scalability of Apache NiFi

· Flowfile, Processor, Connections, Controller, Process Group, Input-Outout ports, Funnel

· Data Provenance

· Processor Relationships and many more.

· Integration with Relational Databses

· DataFlow Monitoring in Nifi

· Data Provenance, Creating your databse SCHEMA and adding data

· Develop Simple to Complex Dataflow, data view, Time Management

· Creating Custom Processors, Connecting your database with Nifi

· Manage Pooling, connecitng DATABASE

· Custom processors, process group, Event handling

· Overview of NiFi Cluster and Why it's required

· NiFi Cluster Setup in different environments on Servers.

· Data flow execution in cluster environment.

· Disconnecting a NiFi cluster node during maintenance activity..

· Rejoining Nodes back to cluster.

· Managing NiFi cluster when Server Shuts down.

· Load Balancing

· Running NiFi on HTTPS

· Core Theoretical concepts like Reporting, load balancing, ETL

· Lookup to some other processors like Apache kafka etc

We assure, once you learn this video module, you are done and dusted with Apache Nifi. As simple as that.

Who this course is for:
Developers, Architects, Beginners who want to learn Apache Nifi
ETL and Data Engineering teams who wants to scale their systems to latest technology.
Apache Nifi team working on real time project

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A to Z of Apache Nifi-Beginner to Admin-Master the Data Flow

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