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Klevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_lcapKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Voting_barKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_rcap 
Klevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_lcapKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Voting_barKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_rcap 
Klevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_lcapKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Voting_barKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_rcap 
Klevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_lcapKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Voting_barKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_rcap 
Klevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_lcapKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Voting_barKlevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Vote_rcap 
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 Klevgrand Esspresso v1.2.0

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Mensajes : 69941
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Klevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Empty
MensajeTema: Klevgrand Esspresso v1.2.0   Klevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 EmptySáb Oct 14, 2023 2:02 am

Klevgrand Esspresso  v1.2.0 Eecb7077eb0b1ee829bd50772f2eb575
Klevgrand Esspresso v1.2.0
TCD | 13 October 2023 | 4.33 MB

A powerful de-esser with an intuitive workflow
The new updated Esspresso v1.2 is the ultimate de-essing solution for anyone involved in audio recording, boasting a brand-new interface that's both sleek and user-friendly.

In almost all modern audio production, the menace of sibilance (those pesky high-frequency noises) has long troubled creators, engineers and producers. For instance, achieving a pristine vocal tone and fine-tuning the EQ can turn into a daunting task when the 's':s distort and throw your mix off balance.
Esspresso's brilliance lies in its unique approach. Unlike many conventional de-essers, it decouples the detection frequency range from the suppressor's frequency range. This means you can pinpoint and compress specific frequencies, a feature highly coveted by professional sound engineers. With its lightning-fast and pinpoint-precise frequency response display, Esspresso places total control over those annoying S-sounds firmly in your hands, ensuring that they no longer threaten the integrity of your mix. To get you started, Esspresso v1.2 also includes a collection of presets to start from. A new addition is also a timeline view, giving full control of what's happening.
Visual reduction RMS
Visual detector RMS
Detector sensitivity gain
Solo switch for the detector signal
v1.2 Four suppressor modes (link, wide, shelf and band)
Intuitive and unique user interface
v1.2 Threshold & ratio control
v1.2 Attack & release controls
v1.2 Timeline view
v1.2 Collection of presets
Whats new in this version
v1.2.0 2023-10-09
Major UI updates
Timeline view
Performance improvements
Attack and Release controls
New Link mode, for equal detector/suppressor ranges
Improved filter algorithms
System Requirements
Windows 7 or higher


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Klevgrand Esspresso v1.2.0

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