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Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Voting_barPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Voting_barPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Voting_barPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Voting_barPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Voting_barPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Voting_barPulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Vote_rcap 
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 Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot 1.4.4

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Mensajes : 69941
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 Empty
MensajeTema: Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot 1.4.4   Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 EmptyMiér Nov 01, 2023 11:05 pm

Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot  1.4.4 357ba91b23b328e3d7d758d5260c3cca
Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot 1.4.4
File size: 19 MB

P440 Sweet Spot will let you rethink what an EQ can do. P440. your mystical magic wand.

You have very likely heard words similar to the following uttered many times about mastering: "it makes the music come to life" or "it is the final polish that transitions into something breathtaking" or "It is like. magic!". The wizardry lies in the hands of the practitioner of course, but surely, as all wizards wield an unassuming yet infinitely powerful device that is a conduit between their mystical knowledge and the physical world, so does the mastering engineer. To the wizard, it is the magic wand and to the mastering engineer, it is the equalizer.
Forget everything you have been taught about "High Passing" frequencies below 30Hz, and welcome to Sweet Tremor boosting infrasonic frequencies! Attenuate frequencies and you end up with a punchier and open sound! Boost frequencies and end up with sweet cotton candy all over your ears! Scream in horror when you check in Plugin Doctor the low shelf at 200 Hz or the high shelf at 2 kHz with a "stairway to heaven" graph, but then melt in your chair when you listen to it- like candy on a hot summer day. Nothing makes sense .visually but your ears tell you otherwise.
P440 Sweet Spot will let you rethink what an EQ can do. P440. your mystical magic wand.
Organic hardware-like feel & behavior.
3 Band EQ combining fixed and proportional Q.
New Tremor circuit.
Custom Shelving curves.
LP & HP filters with resonance.
Zero sample latency!
Dual-mono behavior from within the plugin.
All parameters are exposed to your DAW for automation.
macOS: Silicon ready AU, AAX and VST3 formats.
Windows: VST3 and AAX formats.
Linux LV2 format coming soon!
Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot 1.4.4

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