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Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_lcapSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Voting_barSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_rcap 
Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_lcapSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Voting_barSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_rcap 
Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_lcapSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Voting_barSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_rcap 
Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_lcapSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Voting_barSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_rcap 
Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_lcapSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Voting_barSonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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 Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4 macOS

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Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Empty
MensajeTema: Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4 macOS   Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS EmptyLun Dic 25, 2023 9:52 am

Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4  macOS Ef17a9e9ecec0ec0a7977096b46184a4
Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4 macOS
Team R2R | 2023.12.25 | 392.6 MB

The successor to an underground icon, ANA 2 software synthesizer is already a firm favourite of sound designers and producers worldwide.

Uncover an array of inventive tools within a flexible, retina-ready interface, and tweak over 500 presets using four intelligently linked macro controls.. Master a true behemoth of synthesis with 5 Hours of free tutorials from artists and experts that showcase the countless sonic possibilities of the ANA 2 virtual software synthesizer.
What are the benefits of using our ANA 2.5 Virtual Software Synthesizer?
ANA 2.5 isn't just another VST synth; it's the virtual software synthesizer that packs a punch. With this soft synth, you get all the cool sounds of a classic virtual analog synth without the hassle of old-school gear. It's easy to use, whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned pro. As a synth program, it's crammed with killer presets to get you going and officially has a rep for being one of the best synth VSTs out there being used by many HUGE artists and producers. Want to lay down some tracks without breaking the bank or your brain? ANA 2.5 is your ticket to that big studio sound.
ANA 2.5 Virtual Synth Features
The ANA 2.5 virtual synth VST is a feature-rich software synthesizer that stands out for its versatility. It boasts a wide array of tools and functions that cater to any producer's needs
Subtractive Software Synthesizer
Delivers classic synth sounds with a modern twist, allowing for a rich palette of tones from the past and present.
Integrated Synth Plugin
Expands the limitations of your current DAW.
Comprehensive Library
Comes with an extensive collection of presets and wavetables, making it a powerhouse for any genre.
User-Friendly Interface
Designed with a straightforward layout, making it accessible for beginners while offering advanced features for seasoned users.
Flexible Modulation
Features a robust modulation system for crafting dynamic sounds and textures.
High-Quality Filters
Includes a variety of filter types for shaping your sound to perfection.
This software synthesizer provides an all-in-one platform for creating, experimenting, and producing music with top-tier audio quality and ease of use.
Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
System Requirements
MacOS 10.8 or later


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Sonic Academy ANA 2 v2.5.4 macOS

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