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Junio 2024
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CHM Reader Pro 2.6.0  macOS EmptyHoy a las 2:33 am por missyou123

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 CHM Reader Pro 2.6.0 macOS

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Mensajes : 69895
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

CHM Reader Pro 2.6.0  macOS Empty
MensajeTema: CHM Reader Pro 2.6.0 macOS   CHM Reader Pro 2.6.0  macOS EmptyVie Abr 05, 2024 3:55 am

CHM Reader Pro 2.6.0 macOS

CHM Reader Pro 2.6.0  macOS 8061df57be5d948f21c3dd43e284f448

File size: 17 MB

The GM EPUB Reader is a full-featured ebook reader with a simple and beautiful interface and a good reading experience.

※ CHM Reader
- Support single page search and full text search, and highlight search results.
- Support the forward and backward browsing history.
- Support page turning, zooming, and sidebar shrinking.
- Support page printing.
- Support CHM to PDF.
※ Bookshelf
- All the files you have read will be saved in the bookshelf for quick review next time.
- Support file(s) drag and drop addition.
※ Reading Experience
- It can remember the location of the last reading, so that it can continue reading next time.
- Photo adaptation, better layout.
- Support for page zooming using command+ or command- key combinations.
- Support for quick page turns and quick view of history pages using a combination of command and up and down left and right arrows.
- In the process of page reading, you can use the buttons J and K to quickly slide up and down the page.
Top In-App Purchases:Pro Version - included
Release Notes

Supported Operation Systems
macOS 10.13 or later



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CHM Reader Pro 2.6.0 macOS

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