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Adobe Prelude Cc 201... Vote_lcapAdobe Prelude Cc 201... Voting_barAdobe Prelude Cc 201... Vote_rcap 
Adobe Prelude Cc 201... Vote_lcapAdobe Prelude Cc 201... Voting_barAdobe Prelude Cc 201... Vote_rcap 
Adobe Prelude Cc 201... Vote_lcapAdobe Prelude Cc 201... Voting_barAdobe Prelude Cc 201... Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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» K-Lite Codec Pack 18.3.5 Basic/Standard/Full/Mega
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» Irix HDR Pro / Classic Pro 2.3.27 (x64) Multilingual
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» Secure Eraser Professional 6.106 Multilingual Retail
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MensajeTema: Adobe Prelude Cc 201...   Adobe Prelude Cc 201... EmptyVie Oct 07, 2016 5:58 pm

Adobe Prelude Cc 2015.4 v5.0 Multilingual (Mac OSX)
Adobe Prelude Cc 201... Ik_Ui_R1468366695911

Adobe Prelude Cc 2015.4 v5.0 Multilingual (Mac OSX) | 788 MB

Adobe Prelude CC software streamlines your production tasks. Ingest nearly any file-based format and begin logging immediately, creating searchable markers and other temporal metadata that flow through post-production, so you can work faster and stay organized.

- Ingest and log footage quickly and easily - Get to work faster with easy ingest of file-based footage, including the ability to transcode to nearly any file-based format. Tag footage with searchable temporal metadata that is carried through your workflow.
- Integrate into virtually any workflow - Connect directly to existing media asset management systems and workflows with Prelude, an open platform that supports customized integration with third-party technologies.* Create custom markers to capture data specific to your production and view it in Adobe Premiere® Pro software.

What's new in Adobe Prelude CC 2015.4
AVC LongG performance improvement:
New in Adobe Prelude CC 2015.4 | June 2016

This release of Adobe Prelude delivers optimized performance of AVC LongG format in the following workflows:
Media ingestion
Smoother playback
Improved logging workflow
Note: This enhancement is also extended to other miscellaneous workflows.

Event panel filtering options:
New in Adobe Prelude CC 2015.4 | June 2016
This release of Prelude introduces options to filter the various categories of Events such as information, warnings, and errors through an Event dialog box.
For more information, see Prelude workspace.

Requirements: Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.9 or later
Language: Multilangual

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