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VSO ConvertXtoHD 2.0... Vote_lcapVSO ConvertXtoHD 2.0... Voting_barVSO ConvertXtoHD 2.0... Vote_rcap 
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Junio 2024
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MensajeTema: VSO ConvertXtoHD 2.0...   VSO ConvertXtoHD 2.0... EmptyVie Nov 04, 2016 10:46 pm

VSO ConvertXtoHD Multilingual
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VSO ConvertXtoHD Multilingual | 54.4 Mb

Introducing ConvertXtoDVD's new sibling: ConvertXtoHD. As its name implies, the program converts and burns to Blu-ray format, from any video source , and keeps the same interface and ease of use of ConvertXtoDVD.
Key Features:

Convert to Blu-ray
Convert your videos in HD in just a click - whatever their original format - to watch on any Blu-ray or AVCHD player!
Create AVCHD and Blu-ray folders, disks and ISO images.
Supports all input files: .avi, .mkv, Blu-rays, DVDs, .mts, .mpg, FLV, see more
Choose your output size: DVD-5, DVD-9, BD-25, BD-50, or custom value
Give your videos Blu-ray treatment with exceptional image quality! Conversions are made with professional looking menus making your disks extra easy to watch! *Looking to convert to other HD formats, see our Video Converter

Edit & Personalize
See your changes in real time with the live preview! Add subtitles & audio
Advanced subtitle editing
Adjust synchronization
Rotate videos Chapter managment
Cut out sections of the video
480, 576, 720, 1080 resolution
16:9 widescreen or 4:3 full screen
Increase audio volume Join files into one
Personalize HD menus
Live preview!

Quality & Speed
Conversion speeds are optimized:
Videos are converted simultaneously and optimized for multi-core processing
Nvidia Cuda/NVENC and INTEL QuickSync hardware optimizations will be used for encoding and decoding when possible
Advanced settings available like upscaling and downscaling filters and 2 pass conversions are available.

Easy to use
Create Blu-ray from any video with guaranteed compatibility with all home Blu-ray players. Burn to disk
Burn multiple copies
Make copies of Blu-ray disks
Compatible with all disk formats and burners
Store conversions on USB key or PC. Shutdown PC option when finished
Various skins to change look and feel of the interface
Available in multiple languages
Includes several HD menu templates
Includes "how to" tutorials and video guides

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