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BreezeBrowser Pro 1.... Vote_lcapBreezeBrowser Pro 1.... Voting_barBreezeBrowser Pro 1.... Vote_rcap 
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Junio 2024
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Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2016

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MensajeTema: BreezeBrowser Pro 1....   BreezeBrowser Pro 1.... EmptyDom Nov 20, 2016 11:42 am

BreezeBrowser Pro
BreezeBrowser Pro 1.... 003eafc2_medium

BreezeBrowser Pro | 57.8 MB

BreezeBrowser Pro is the powerful and versatile browser based tool for viewing and manipulating digital images. Do you need a fast and simple way to browse and select from your growing collection of digital photos or to create sophisticated web page image galleries without needing to learn HTML? Perhaps you need to rotate, crop and save your JPEG's without any loss of quality or work with images in their RAW format.

From batch processing to proof sheets , from posting to printing, from file format conversion to batch processing IPTC data or preserving EXIF information during JPEG or TIFF conversion...BreezeBrowser Pro has your solution. It's a compact and robust downloadable software program that uses a "browser" style interface to present and organize digital images, convert raw images, generate web pages, link geo-tagged images with Google Earth� and online maps, produce proofs and contact sheets.

� Convert, resize, sharpen and level raw images from Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus, Sony, Fuji and Minolta cameras
� Select images for presentation
� Generate attractive, captioned web pages with watermarking and online ordering (optional)
� Produce contact sheets and proofs (print straight to your printer or print to file)
� Batch rename images and managing folders
� Caption and edit comments and XMP IPTC data including IPTC subject codes and scenes
� Quickly assess large numbers of images
� Geo-tag images using Google Earth� and automatically show image locations in Google Earth� when viewing in BreezeBrowser Pro
� Link geo-tagged images to online maps and create web galleries using the GPS template
� Compare up to four high resolution images side by side
� Rotate JPEG's with no loss of quality
� Display images and shooting data from most major formats and makes of camera(including RAW, JPEG, TIFF)
� Display sharp preview images using the unique 'HQ mode'
� Present slideshows on laptop or pc
� Adjust date and time for batches or single images
� Keyword editor which supports hierarchical lists with synonyms

OS : Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Language : English

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