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Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_lcapStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Voting_barStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_rcap 
Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_lcapStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Voting_barStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_rcap 
Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_lcapStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Voting_barStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_rcap 
Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_lcapStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Voting_barStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_rcap 
Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_lcapStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Voting_barStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_rcap 
Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_lcapStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Voting_barStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_rcap 
Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_lcapStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Voting_barStimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Vote_rcap 
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Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail Empty
MensajeTema: Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail   Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail EmptyLun Mar 20, 2017 1:58 am

Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail
Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail D3f23619d723d0d570da7bc4b145353d

Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate Suite 2015.2 Retail | 915.1 MB

Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate is a comprehensive solution to render reports for the .NET Framework platform. The product includes a complete set of tools to build reports under WinForms, ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF environments. Report Designers, which can be run at design time and runtime, including a unique report designer for Web.

Viewers for displaying reports. Powerful system of exporting reports, which supports many different types of formats. Simple but very powerful report engine. One of the basic principles of using Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate is different technologies but common approaches in creating reports. When migrating applications to new technology, principles of working with reports remain unchanged.

My Reports
A complex but simple report generator. Is it possible to combine two opposite features in one? To render all reports, Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate uses a unique software engine. You can build simple reports. You can build complex reports. You can build very complicated reports. Any report will be built as precisely and quickly as possible. Thus the engine of our reporting tool is not only powerful but also very functional. Huge variety of components: chart, cross-tab, table etc. Large collection of primitives. Each component is enriched with multiple properties. We believe that our reporting tool can meet the most severe requirements.

My Report Viewer
As a part of Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate a very good set of different report viewers are delivered. Eight report viewers are available. Why so many? We do not want to limit our users to view reports in their applications. Therefore, our users can use native support for showing reports both in WinForms and in WPF. Viewers may have the Ribbon UI or the standard one based on the toolbars.

There are also viewers to print with a simple and dot-matrix printers. You can use viewers in the web using Ajax technology, or using Adobe Flash Player. .NET Framework technology is powerful and versatile, and we want to allow you use any of the available faces! All available report viewers use the same principle of interface structure. Viewer.Fx for the Web works and looks just like WinViewer for WinForms. All report viewers use the same file format. You do not need to convert reports or copy them. Once a report is created, it should work everywhere.

My Report Designer
We offer three report designers for the .NET Framework platform! What is the difference between them and what they look like? The difference lies in the technologies they use to build reports. One of the most functional report designer is the report designer for the WinForms technology. This report designer contains the largest number of tools for creating reports. The report designer is delivered with two types of user interfaces: Ribbon and Standard. The second report designer in not behind the first one. It is developed on the base of the Windows Presentation Foundation technology. The report designer for the WPF technology! We tried to use all capabilities of this technology.

The third report designer is a unique Web component. The fact that it knows how to work in the Web environment. And the client may have only Adobe Flash Player. Which common features are in report designers? They all work with the same file formats. A file created with the WinForms designer is compatible for the Web report designer and vice versa. All designers have similar reporting interface structure, which, in turn, is standard. If you familiar with MS Office software, it means that you are familiar with our report designers UI s.

My Result
So you built and displayed a report in a viewer? Something is not good in your report? You can change the contents of the components directly in the viewer. You can run the report designer and edit a report page. You can add or delete pages. Do you need to send a report via email, but the recipient does not have Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate? No problems! Export your report to more than 30 different data formats. The most popular data formats such as PDF, Word and many others. Do you need to save your report so as to see it in the future? And this is also not a problem. You may use the internal file format of Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate. Do you want to encrypt a rendered report? You know the answer. It is not a problem.

What's new in version 2015.2

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