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Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_lcapFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Voting_barFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_rcap 
Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_lcapFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Voting_barFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_rcap 
Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_lcapFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Voting_barFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_rcap 
Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_lcapFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Voting_barFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_rcap 
Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_lcapFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Voting_barFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_rcap 
Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_lcapFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Voting_barFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_rcap 
Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_lcapFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Voting_barFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_rcap 
Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_lcapFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Voting_barFunk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vote_rcap 
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Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Empty
MensajeTema: Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE   Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE EmptyDom Abr 16, 2017 9:39 pm

Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE
Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE Vintage

Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE | 6.79GB
Vintage Rhythm Section is a virtual instrument for Kontakt 5 designed to emulate the classic rhythm section sounds of R&B, Soul, Funk, Jazz, and Rock records from the 1960's and 1970's.

Vintage Rhythm Section (VRS) is easy to use, with a simple interface that lets you work quickly and intuitively. If you're producing retro or indie-style music on a budget, or if you're a TV or film composer working on a tight deadline, VRS can be used to create live-sounding drums, bass, guitar, keyboard, and percussion tracks.
Like its sister-products, Vintage Horns and Vintage Strings, Vintage Rhythm Section was not designed to be a shiny, perfect-sounding virtual instrument. Instead, we tried to capture the way rhythm sections sounded back in the 60's and 70's, including some of the minor imperfections that added character to those instruments and made them sound so good.
For VRS, we sampled a large collection of vintage instruments - some amazingly still in mint condition, and others looking every bit as "vintage" as you'd expect a piece of 40-50 year-old gear to look.
Wherever possible, we used the same types of amps and mics that were used in the 60's and 70's. Some of this old gear was pretty funky-sounding, which probably would have disqualified it from being used on most other types of sample libraries. But for VRS, it was just what we were looking for.
VRS features two easy-to-use GUIs:
1) A 12-channel mixer for drums
2) The main GUI, which is used for all of the keyboards, basses, and guitars.
Here's a quick overview of both.
• Reverb Select: This is a drop-down menu that allows you to select various types of convolution IRs.
• Channel Strips: Each offers controls for Treble, Bass, Reverb Amount, Pan, and Solo/Mute. Note that not all kits have the same number of toms and cymbals. Instead, each kit was custom-built to fit the musical genre and era it came from.
• Master Channel: Allows you to add tape saturation (SAT) and/or compression (COMP) to the entire kit.
From top to bottom and left to right, this GUI has the following controls:
- TAPE SAT adds tape-style saturation/compression
• TREBLE adds or cuts high end
• BASS adds or cuts low end
• DISTORTION SWITCH - use this to turn the effect on or off
• DISTORTION adds amp-style distortion
• DELAY controls the amount of tape-style delay
• DELAY SELECT allows you to choose from several types of delay
• ROTATOR SWITCH turs Leslie-style effect on or off
• ROTATOR allows you to select the speed of the Leslie-effect
• REVERB controls the amount of reverb added
• REVERB SELECT allows you to choose from a selection of high-quality Convolution Reverbs designed to replicate a number of vintage amp-reverbs and recording spaces
• MOD-WAH SWITCH turns on your controller's Mod Wheel as a wah-wah pedal
Key-switching is a function that allows the user to quickly change from one articulation to another. If an instrument has any key-switch options, it will have red keys located on the far left of the Kontakt virtual keyboard. Many of the basses and guitars offer key-switched long and short (sustain and staccato) articulations, and some of the keyboards offer different key-switched presets.
- 67 Instrument Patches
- 19 Multi Patches
- Over 16.4 GB of uncompressed WAV data (7.4 Compressed)
- Instruments are divided into 3 categories.

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» Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE
» Funk Soul Productions Vintage Rhythm Section KONTAKT-AUDIOSTRiKE

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