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GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Vote_lcapGraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Voting_barGraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Vote_rcap 
GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Vote_lcapGraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Voting_barGraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Vote_rcap 
GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Vote_lcapGraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Voting_barGraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Vote_rcap 
GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Vote_lcapGraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Voting_barGraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Vote_rcap 
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 GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64)

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GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) Empty
MensajeTema: GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64)   GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) EmptyVie Mayo 12, 2017 10:38 pm

GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64)
GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) 1701271854030120

GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64) | 2.07 GB

ARCHICAD 20 features a brand new, flat-design graphical UI that sets the new version apart from run-of-the-mill BIM tools. Underneath the surface, a number of important functional improvements put the emphasis on the "I" in BIM.

The 'I' in BIM
Information is the most valuable part of BIM and ARCHICAD 20 helps designers to bring out the most of it!

Storing the information in BIM
ARCHICAD 20 allows users to utilize their Building Information Model as the central storage place for all related information. They can even easily store and maintain design information that was not created using CAD or BIM tools, like Excel spreadsheets.

Displaying the information in BIM
ARCHICAD 20 leverages well-structured information resulting in informative design visualization, which ensures enormous efficiencies throughout design and construction. With the help of smart filters and brand new graphical override, designers can freely change the representation of any 2D and 3D views of elements with similar properties. This feature allows a number of workflows that make communication, coordination and model checking much more efficient.

Sharing the information in BIM
ARCHICAD 20 has improved its current IFC- and BCF-based OPEN BIM workflows by exporting color-true precise element geometry, implementing survey point (national datum definition), enhancing property management and mapping, sharing physical properties of building materials, etc.

Graphical Favorites
Brand new Graphical Favorites provide excellent visual feedback about saved element settings with automatically-generated, colored 2D or 3D thumbnail previews - available instantly for every Tool.

Instant visual feedback
The new Favorites provide outstanding visual feedback about saved element settings with automatically-generated, colored 2D or 3D thumbnail previews - available instantly for every Tool.

Fast, organized access
Favorites can be organized in a custom, hierarchical folder structure - using simple drag and drop - for faster access; multi-selection of favorite entries is also supported.

Project standardization
Favorites entries, selection sets, single or multiple entries can be exported in various formats (binary or XML) to help ensure modeling, project or office standards for every member of the team.

BIM Visualization
ARCHICAD 20 brings project visualization to the next level by updating the CineRender Engine and enabling more accurate handling of "free-form" (Non‐Uniform Rational Basis Splines) shapes.

ARCHICAD 20 runs the latest CineRender version, based on the Cinema 4D R16 engine. The result is a major enhancement concerning surface settings. This ensures even more realistic surfaces, while rendering improvements reduce render times and enable highly-realistic contact shadows.

Two-Point Perspective
In 3D perspective view, users can switch to a two‐point perspective in any camera position, maintaining the original position and viewing angle. As a result, all 3D vertical edges become vertical in perspective projection.

Non-uniform splines (NURBS)
Complex geometry models created in Rhino can now be imported to ARCHICAD as native objects using their "native" NURBS definitions. ARCHICAD users can better control the representation of each individual imported object, depending on its purpose in the model.

Fresh look at BIM
The fully-refreshed user interface maximizes working area; the clean and modern tool and command icons look sharp. Tab-based navigation keeps you where the action is: right in front of you.

Refreshed User Interface
ARCHICAD 20 presents a unified, up-to-date, and professional user interface in accordance with the launch of the latest Mac and Windows operating systems. ARCHICAD 20 has a cleaner and larger workspace by displaying the most widely-used functions while restructuring all the rarely-used commands and options.

Tab-based navigation
By eliminating superfluous graphical elements of the user interface, it is not only free from unnecessary visual noise, but also provides a clean environment for clear thinking.

Fresh & crisp appearance
Architects like to use as large a working area and screen real-estate as possible during their work. This gives them the freedom and flexibility to unleash all creativity with the least amount of boundaries.

Recommended Operating Systems
- Windows 10 (64-bit version)
- Windows 8.1 (64-bit version)
- Windows 7 (64-bit version)

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» GraphiSoft ArchiCAD 20 Build 5011 (x64)

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