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AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_lcapAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Voting_barAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_rcap 
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_lcapAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Voting_barAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_rcap 
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_lcapAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Voting_barAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_rcap 
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_lcapAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Voting_barAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_rcap 
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_lcapAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Voting_barAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_rcap 
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_lcapAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Voting_barAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_rcap 
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_lcapAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Voting_barAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_rcap 
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_lcapAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Voting_barAMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR EmptyAyer a las 11:02 pm por ronaldinho424

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AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR EmptyAyer a las 10:45 pm por tano1221

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AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR EmptyAyer a las 8:12 pm por 大†Shinegumi†大

» Adobe Lightroom Classic 2024 v13.4.0 (x64) Multilingual
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR EmptyAyer a las 8:09 pm por 大†Shinegumi†大

» 3DF Zephyr 7.531 (x64) Multilingual
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR EmptyAyer a las 8:07 pm por 大†Shinegumi†大

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 AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR

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Mensajes : 10066
Fecha de inscripción : 04/01/2016

AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR Empty
MensajeTema: AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR   AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR EmptyLun Mar 07, 2016 11:43 am

AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR 57473bcd571fcb8d677eedad5e5b7113
AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR | 4.1 Mb
Supported Adobe Apps:
Adobe After Effects CC 2016 Pre-release
Adobe After Effects CC 2015
Adobe After Effects CC 2014
Adobe After Effects CC
Adobe Audition CC 2015
Adobe Audition CC 2014
Adobe Audition CC
Adobe Illustrator CC 2015
Adobe Illustrator CC 2014
Adobe Illustrator CC
Adobe Illustrator CS6
Adobe Illustrator CS5
Adobe Illustrator CS4
Adobe InDesign CC 2015
Adobe InDesign CC 2014
Adobe InDesign CC
Adobe InDesign CS6
Adobe InDesign CS5
Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015
Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014
Adobe Media Encoder CC
Adobe Photoshop CC 2015
Adobe Photoshop CC 2014
Adobe Photoshop CC
Adobe Photoshop CS6
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Pre-release
Adobe Photoshop CS5.5
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Pre-release
Adobe Photoshop CS4
Adobe Lightroom CC (with Dehaze feature)
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014
Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Software protection emulator has the following benefits:
1. It does not require AAM (Adobe Application Manager).
2. It does not perform a background license check while the user is saving files/using menus/any other operation in Adobe apps.
3. All possible features will become available in all installed Adobe apps.
4. It does not require Administrators right/elevation to run the app and does not require any kind of registration in the operating system.
5. It does not create/modify/update the Abobe application database, so it will not be used by the emulator at all.
6. It does not send statistics to Adobe.
7. It does create license labels and license cache.
8. It bypasses all regional limitations.
9. It disables all kind of tracking (logging) for all apps.

+ Updated Enigma (2015 + 2013) record
+ Fixed menu set
+ Added new app data sets
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AMT Emulator v0.6 by PainteR

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