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Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Vote_lcapApple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Voting_barApple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Vote_rcap 
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Vote_lcapApple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Voting_barApple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Vote_rcap 
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Vote_lcapApple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Voting_barApple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Vote_rcap 
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Vote_lcapApple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Voting_barApple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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» Jettison 1.8.8 macOS
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyHoy a las 4:34 pm por missyou123

» Iris 1.7.0 macOS
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyHoy a las 4:33 pm por missyou123

» Markdown Monster 3.3.3
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyHoy a las 4:32 pm por missyou123

» MediaInfo 24.05 Multilingual
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyHoy a las 4:31 pm por missyou123

» Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant 17.01.1814.000
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyHoy a las 4:30 pm por missyou123

» midas MeshFree 2024 R1 (x64)
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyHoy a las 4:29 pm por missyou123

» midas NFX 2024 R1 (x64) Multilingual
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyHoy a las 4:28 pm por missyou123

» Radiant Photo Multilingual
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyHoy a las 4:27 pm por missyou123

» WonderFox DVD Ripper Pro 23.5
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyHoy a las 4:20 pm por missyou123

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 Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X)

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Mensajes : 46481
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2016

Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Empty
MensajeTema: Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X)   Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) EmptyMar Jun 06, 2017 2:04 pm

Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X)
Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) 1509041709450098

Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) | 4.77 GB
Final Cut Pro X includes the basic audio editing and color grading features from Final Cut Studio, so that now at all stages of post-production,

you can use a single application.
Motion. Animations for Final Cut
Create stunning titles, transitions, effects, and more in the application Motion. This is an excellent addition to Final Cut Pro. New Smart Motion
templates allow you to instantly customize the graphical elements in the process of editing.
The new interface designed specifically for video editors. Smart templates for making changes in the process of installation. Easy to use
animation tools to create spectacular transitions, effects and titles. Motion - a perfect complement to Final Cut Pro.
Compressor - a wonderful and powerful tool for video compression. Compressor can convert your videos to many formats, it is only to ask, and
he will prepare your video for iPod, or recode it in H.264 and will allow you to view it on virtually any operating system, or just compress it under
YouTube and help I put it there.
What's new in Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2:
- Native support for Sony XAVC-L and Panasonic AVC-Intra 4: 4: 4 up to 4K resolution
- Import Canon XF-AVC 8-bit video files with Canon plug-in
- Export interlaced H.264 video
- Asset management systems can include a library backup file when sharing from Final Cut Pro
- Fixes render errors that may occur when using reflective materials with 3D text
- Improves stability when swapping materials on 3D text with published parameters
- Improves performance when loading text styles
- Motion Title templates with published text layout parameters now export correctly
- Fixes an issue that may cause 3D text to appear dark when rendered
- Addresses issues with timing on certain animated effects
What's New in Motion 5.2.2
- Fixes render errors that may occur when using reflective materials with 3D text
- Improves stability when swapping materials on 3D text with published parameters
- Improves performance when loading text styles
- Motion Title templates with published text layout parameters now export correctly
- Fixes an issue that may cause 3D text to appear dark when rendered
What's New in Compressor 4.2.1
- Fixes a crash that could occur after migrating a User account to another system
- Restores ability to use markers for I-frame placement in H.264 exports
- Export interlaced H.264 files
- Improves closed caption and subtitle audio and video sync
Compatibility: OS X 10.10.4 or later, 64-bit processor

Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) 170_1

Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Download_01
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Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.2.2, Motion 5.2.2 & Compressor 4.2.1 (Mac OS X)

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