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CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_lcapCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Voting_barCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_lcapCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Voting_barCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_lcapCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Voting_barCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_lcapCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Voting_barCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_lcapCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Voting_barCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_lcapCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Voting_barCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_lcapCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Voting_barCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_lcapCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Voting_barCadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
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Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Empty
MensajeTema: CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual   CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual EmptyDom Jun 25, 2017 6:49 pm

CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual
CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual Wjcr4g

CadSoft Eagle Professional 7.3.0 Multilingual (x64) | 59.36 Mb
Languages: English, Russian, German, Traditional Chinese, Hungarian
The award winning EAGLE is a powerful and flexible PCB design software offering high level functionality of expensive commercial circuit board design software at a fraction of the cost for over 25 years. EAGLE offers the three modules: Schematic-Editor, Layout Editor and Autorouter embedded on one single interface. EAGLE is easy to learn, easy to use. It runs on Linux, Mac and ShiChuang and allows feature enhancement, such as simulation, 3D-visualization, data import and export and self defined commands.

New features in EAGLE Version 7
The existing autorouter is based on a rip-up retry algorithm in which it takes into consideration that parameters defined in Design Rule Checker & NetClass. This is a single thread process by which the end user needs to run the autorouter multiple to test different configuration.
The new autorouter for v7 augments the existing algorithm. One of the most noticeable effects of the new autorouter is that it is Multi-Threaded and therefore can take advantage of Multicore processors.
This means that the autorouter can run multiple configurations simultaneously. The user will be able to select the best outcome that accommodates his design.
On computers with multiple core processors each thread can own its own processor core. This optimizes EAGLE's use of the available hardware.
The new autorouter includes the option to use our TopRouter. This intricate process will result in boards with significantly less points of transition compared to our previous algorithm. This will result in very cost effective optimal boards that will need less manual interaction by the end user.
Hierarchical design
This feature stems from multiple surveys hosted by CadSoft and requests monitored by our support and development team. Hierarchal design helps designers to organize large schematic designs into small functional blocks which can then be assigned to various members of a team. It helps collaborative design teams to work on specific areas of a large complex design, which can then be easily integrated.
At the end all these designs can be integrated due to our newly implement hierarchal design capability. This also favours design re-use by allowing blocks of one design to be used in another design.
Export of IDF files
CadSoft Computer has created and included in EAGLE v7 an intricate ULP that will allow users to export an IDF file of the circuit board. This file is compatible with most mechanical programs.
What is IDF?
The IDF (Intermediate Data Format) file represents the maximum dimension (length, width and height) of a component in the form of a block. These blocks act as placeholders for exact 3D models of the individual components. This basic model can be used as a preliminary check in any suitable mechanical design application.
GUI makeover
Version 7 also means a modernized graphic look of the user interface. The icons used since the beginning have been replaced by new and modern images that are self explaining and support improving the usability of EAGLE from a visual perspective. The EAGLE user can choose between the classic and the modernized icon style.
Platform: ShiChuang (x64)
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