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Receipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX Vote_lcapReceipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX Voting_barReceipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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 Receipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX

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Receipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX Empty
MensajeTema: Receipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX   Receipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX EmptyMar Oct 31, 2017 5:29 pm

Receipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX
Receipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX Image

Receipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX | 21.19 MB

PDF, email or scans, Receipts is filing everything neatly. The biggest help is the automatic recognition of date, amount, taxes, currency and payment information.

Receipts recognizes gross invoice amount, slip date, declared sales tax, currency, and bank account details automatically and, thus enables the busy user to speed up his incoming receipts management.

PDF, email or scans, Receipts is filing everything neatly. The biggest help is the automatic recognition of date, amount, taxes, currency and payment information.
Receipts recognizes gross invoice amount, slip date, declared sales tax, currency, and bank account details automatically and, thus enables the busy user to speed up his incoming receipts management.
Receipts' smart character recognition identifies once recorded providers automatically, and thus is able to capture recurring documents correctly and assign to the right category.
Apart from bar graphs and pie chats in the dashboard giving a quick glance at expenditures by periods, providers and categories, export function enables you to analyze recorded data individually and to enhance your tax declaration.
Automated import
Upon request Receipts searches at every start already imported folders on new receipts, and then imports them automatically. Without opening Receipts you can do your filing as usual.
Currency conversion
Amounts of receipts, that are not in the standard currency, will automatically be converted to the daily rate of the issue date. Thus all amounts are always listed in the standard currency and give an actual overview of the expenditure.
Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later 64-bit

Receipts 1.5.1 MaCOSX Oslj1fqgwyyi

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