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MensajeTema: Photolemur 2.1.0 Portable   Photolemur 2.1.0 Portable EmptyVie Nov 03, 2017 12:22 am

Photolemur 2.1.0 Portable
Photolemur 2.1.0 Portable Image

Photolemur 2.1.0 Portable | 78.15 MB

Have old and new pictures enhanced in a lightning-fast operation which does all of the job and lets you share results on Facebook and Twitter. Social networks usually encourage you to take a lot of pictures, which end up for the majority of individuals to see.

This means you might want to apply effects or fine-tune certain regions, but the process can be a little time-consuming. In this regard, Photolemur comes as an automatic enhancer to get the most out of a photo with a few mouse clicks.
Can process an impressive variety of picture formats
The first time the application runs you're taken through a series of instructions which briefly explain what's about to happen. Even so, the entire operation is incredibly intuitive, with a new window showing up for each different step, taking only a couple of minutes from start to end, making it quite fast.
As the initial window suggests, you get started by dropping pictures of interest over the dedicated area, or using the browse dialog to select them. File support is impressive, and you're able to process images under formats like BMP, DIB, JPG, JPEG, JPE, JIF, JFIF, JP2, J2K, JPF, PNG, PSD, TIFF, and RAW.
Needless to say that the enhancement time depends on the number of pictures and their complexity. It can take a little while for the application to "do magic", time in which you're entertained by a neat animation layer over the original picture.
Automatic enhancement and possibility to share online
As soon as it's done processing the picture it displays it in a generous section. A vertical slider is used to analyze the difference between the original and new image. The whole operation is automatic, and it could have used at least a few basic color control or effect management options
The last step of the process is to decide what becomes of the new image. It can be uploaded to Facebook or Twitter, but you can also just save it on your computer under formats like JPG, PNG, TIFF, or PDF.
To sum it up
Bottom line is that cameras usually exclude effects when capturing images, although modern devices can directly apply filters. If you just want to enhance a bunch of old pictures, or even new ones, Photolemur can help you do this with just a few mouse clicks, and even upload the result to Facebook or Twitter.

Photolemur 2.1.0 Portable Oslj1fqgwyyi
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Photolemur 2.1.0 Portable

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