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Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_lcapDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Voting_barDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_rcap 
Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_lcapDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Voting_barDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_rcap 
Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_lcapDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Voting_barDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_rcap 
Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_lcapDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Voting_barDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_rcap 
Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_lcapDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Voting_barDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_rcap 
Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_lcapDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Voting_barDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_rcap 
Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_lcapDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Voting_barDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_rcap 
Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_lcapDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Voting_barDavinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Vote_rcap 
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Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) Empty
MensajeTema: Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng)   Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) EmptyJue Nov 30, 2017 6:53 pm

Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng)
Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng) 1506165307_01

Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng)|572.3 MB
Davinci Resolve 14 - The most advanced set of tools for editing, color correction and sound processing in one application. In the production of feature films and television series, the DaVinci Resolve system is used more often than other software products, because it allows you to perform grading at an exceptionally high level.

More recently, professional editing tools have been added to it, and the latest version, DaVinci Resolve 14, additionally contains Fairlight tools for sound processing. Now, instead of the three applications, it's enough to have one, and to switch between different tasks you just need to click the mouse button. In addition, the possibility of joint creativity of several people within the framework of one project is provided. DaVinci Resolve 14 sets new standards in the post production of the material.

• New Features
Exclusive performance, Fairlight tools and collaborative creativity at a qualitatively different level
DaVinci Resolve 14 has hundreds of new tools for editing, grading, and now for the professional processing of audio tracks. Due to the modernized playback mechanism, the response time for video editing was reduced several times. The application has a separate page with Fairlight tools that allow you to record and mix sound, improve its quality and create a master version for one thousand channels in a full 3D space. Additional filters are provided, such as automatic facial recognition and tracking to quickly change the tonality of the skin, increase the brightness or color correction of individual elements. In addition, there are functions for blocking folders and combining editing rulers, as well as chat, so that colorists and editors can simultaneously execute one project. All this makes DaVinci Resolve 14 the most modern system for post production!

• Professional installation
DaVinci Resolve has almost every possible fitting tool for interactive editing with a creative approach. The new mechanism allows you to increase performance up to 10 times, providing instant playback and ultra-fast response even when working with such resource-intensive formats as H.264 and RAW.

• Color correction
In the production of feature films and television series, the DaVinci Resolve system is used more often than other software products. It has powerful tools for primary and secondary color correction, allows processing with curves, tracking and stabilization, applying noise reduction, grain effects and Resolve FX plug-ins.

• Fairlight tools for working with sound
In addition to video editing and color correction, now DaVinci Resolve allows you to perform high-precision processing of sound. Mixing up to one thousand channels and compatibility with Fairlight consoles, recording material and ADR support, editing audio tracks and adding noise effects are provided. In addition, you can mix several tracks into one file and create a master version in different formats, including 5.1, 7.1 and even 22.2!

• Media and final product
DaVinci Resolve 14 allows you to quickly import, synchronize and organize the shooting material. The system has a complete set of tools for creating the final product in virtually any format, regardless of the destination video, whether it's posting on the Internet, taping, or a copy for a movie show. No matter how tight the deadlines, you always have time to finish the project!

Assembly Information:
1. Before starting the installation, uninstall the previous versions of the program, if they were installed. We disable the antivirus (it is recommended that there is no antivirus).
2. To start the installation, run Setup.exe. During installation, we agree with the installation of all devices from Blackmagic.
3. After installation, you can run the program and work. A tablet is not required.
Attention! The program is demanding to the video card and the freshness of the drivers to it!
Title: Davinci Resolve Studio 14.0 RePack (Eng)
Year of manufacture: 2017
The platform / OS: Windows®️ 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 (64-bit)
Language: English
Medicine: Not required
The size: 572.3 MB

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