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Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_lcapRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Voting_barRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_rcap 
Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_lcapRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Voting_barRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_rcap 
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Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_lcapRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Voting_barRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_rcap 
Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_lcapRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Voting_barRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_rcap 
Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_lcapRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Voting_barRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_rcap 
Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_lcapRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Voting_barRed Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Vote_rcap 
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Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Empty
MensajeTema: Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG)   Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) EmptyVie Dic 08, 2017 12:22 am

Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG)
Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) 1502043536_01

Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG)| 730.84 MB
Trapcode Suite 14 is a collection of 11 convenient full-featured tools and realistic effects for high-quality 3D design and graphics. Allows you to create titles, animated backgrounds, logos, develop effects Visual Effects and other 3D elements in the After Effects environment (particle systems, volumetric light, organic forms).

Trapcode Suite 14 includes the following plugins:
• Trapcode Particular - provides organic 3D particle effects, complex elements of motion graphics and much more. Includes updated Effects Builder - a visual particle editor with a lot of presets and preview; more than 180 presets; introduced a new graphs system Graphs; more particles - 30 million particles (up to 20 million on the preview).
• Trapcode Form - includes 3D meshes, spheres and objects from particles, provides generation of particles with imported OBJ models; animation effects in the form of fire, smoke, sand, wind; Dissolving text, logo and other 3D objects; particle animation with sound. A new particle type was added: Square.
• Trapcode Tao - a new plugin for animated 3D geometry on a given path. Provides the creation of animated geometric shapes, tapes, etc., 3D geometry based on masks, 3D lights and paths; photorealistic textures and reflections; creation of cyclic animation; Rapid rendering of the most complex geometry with the help of GPU acceleration.
• Trapcode Mir - a plug-in for processing 3D-surfaces, terrain, structures. Updates in the Trapcode Mir plugin: creating smooth surfaces and abstract shapes; creation of a grid in the form of a spiral, deformation of the surface with the help of spiraling rotations; seamless cyclic backgrounds based on fractals; Display of shaded surfaces in the form of polygons or vertices; the choice between quadrangular or triangular polygons; 3 new modes of selection of textures: Nearest, Linear, Solid Face; Adding secondary grids to the Mir surface; 4 types of fractal distortions: Regular, Multi, SmoothRidge, MultiSmoothRidge.
• Trapcode Shine - a plug-in that provides ultra-fast effects of three-dimensional light rays. Simulation of realistic 3D light; volumetric lighting of text, object or footage; new Fractal Noise effects for creating "smoke smoke"; 35 ready presets.
• Trapcode Lux - the effect of "visible" light in a semi-transparent environment. The plug-in allows you to create 3D point and directional 3D light, to add drama and realism to 3D compositions.
• Trapcode 3D Stroke - a plug-in for organic 3D shapes and lines based on masks. Allows you to create 3D lines, logos, text based on the outlines of masks. Includes a variety of preset shapes, provides control over the shape, color and other parameters.
• Trapcode Echospace - provides duplication and control of animated layers, automation of complex multi-layer 3D animation; control layers without expressions; creation of the effect of "falling dominoes" or "house of cards".
• Trapcode Starglow - a plug-in for creating effects of stylized radiance, brilliance and flicker. Includes 49 presets.
• Trapcode Sound Keys - plug-in for synchronizing video with audio. Allows you to visualize any sound and music, analyze the sound and generate key frames for creating animations.
• Trapcode Horizon - presents realistic endless backgrounds. Allows you to create backgrounds in 360 degrees, use images or color gradients for the background, provides full control over the motion and field of view of the 3D camera.

What's New in Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14:
• NEW - Trapcode Particular 3.0
Organic 3D particle effects, complex motion graphics elements and more. Trapcode Particular 3.0 features GPU acceleration for massive speed boosts, multiple particle systems in the same 3D space, the ability to use 3D models as particle emitters, and a new overhauled Designer that makes the building and previewing of effects an intuitive and creative experience, amongst other new features in high-demand. Experience the new Trapcode Particular 3.0.
With a library of over 60 3D objects / models, an expanded library of more than 270 sprites, and 210 new presets (over 300 in total), Trapcode.
What's new in Trapcode Particular 3.0
GPU-Accelerated. Get fast feedback with Trapcode Particular's new GPU Acceleration through OpenGL. Depending on the system and setup, users can see speed boosts of up to 4X or more over previous versions.
Designer. New in Particular 3, the Designer respects the AE comp size, bringing in the composition and camera info. Preview your particle layout with camera and emitter position controls.
Multiple Systems. For the first time ever, explore the endless creative possibilities when combining multiple particle systems in the same 3D space. Create beautiful, complex effects through the interaction of different systems, all within one instance of Particular. Emitters in Multi-system setups can share parameter settings (such as turbulence, gravity and more), and can be saved as a single preset.
OBJs as Emitters. Give your particle systems a new dimension by using 3D models and animated OBJ sequences as particle emitters. Use your own 3D models or choose from Particular's library of over 60 OBJs Loading Panel.
Sprites and Polygons. Use any composition image as a particle by assigning it to a 2D sprite or textured polygon - still and animated sprite images.
Aux System. Spawn new child particles through Particular's Aux system. Particular 3's updated Aux system now includes the ability to add custom particles for even more variation, as well as keyframeable parameters for more control.
300+ Presets. Particular 3 includes over 210 new presets that show off powerful features like multiple systems, OBJ emitters and more - create fire, spaceflight, fireworks, muzzle flashes, explosions, smoke and more. Save presets and share them across your facility.

• NEW - Trapcode Form 3.0
Immortal Particle Grids and 3D Objects. Trapcode Form 3 now features the same Designer found in Particular, which gives instant visual feedback and makes the process of building and previewing effects both intuitive and creative. Form offers users an expansive set of tools to work with, including over 60 3D Objects / Models, 270 New Sprites and Polygons, and over 70 Presets for fast motion graphics creation. Experience the new Trapcode Form 3.0.
What's new in Trapcode Form 3.0
Designer. Create particle grids visually in an intuitive environment. Add adjustable blocks with preset settings and styles for emitters, particles and more. Or add complete, customizable particle effects with a single click.
3D Models. Bring your motion in 3D models and animated OBJ sequences as particle grids. Use your own 3D models or choose from the OBJs which can be easily loaded directly in the After Effects or in the Designer via the new OBJ Loading Panel.
Sprites and Polygons. Use any composition image as a particle by assigning it to a 2D sprite or textured polygon - still and animated sprite images.
More Control. Animate controls over time for the color, size, opacity, and dispersion of your particles, as well as their fractal and audio reactivity with the newly updated keyframeable graphing system.
70+ Presets. Form 3 Includes over 70 new fully-customizable Designer presets for creating backgrounds and motion design elements.

• UPDATED - Trapcode Tao 1.2
Create 3D geometries animated along a path. A new depth-of-field effect makes it easy to create camera-realistic blurs for your Tao objects. This is a free update for Trapcode Tao users.
Additional Tools in Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14
The Red Giant Trapcode Suite offers 11 tools in total covering the full range of needs for motion graphics artists. Additional tools include:
· Trapcode Mir 2.1: 3D Surfaces, Terrains and Wireframes in After Effects
· Trapcode Shine 2: Ultra-fast, 3D light ray effects
· Trapcode Lux 1.4: After Effects lights made visible
· Trapcode 3D Stroke 2.6: Organic 3D shapes and lines from your masks
Trapcode Echospace 1.1: Instantly clone and offset animated layers
Trapcode Starglow 1.7: Stylized glints and glows for motion graphics and text
Trapcode Sound Keys 1.4: Instant audio-driven motion graphics in After Effects
Trapcode Horizon 1.1: Infinite backgrounds for After Effects 3D
System requirements:
- Windows 7 - 10 (64-bit)
- Adobe Creative Suite CC 2017-2014
- 4 GB of RAM
- 64-bit Processor

Name: Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG)
Year of manufacture: 2017
The platform / OS: Windows®️ 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 (64-bit)
Language: English
Medicine: Included
File size: 730.84 MB

Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.0 (ENG) Oslj1fqgwyyi
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