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iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_lcapiZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Voting_bariZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_rcap 
iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_lcapiZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Voting_bariZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_rcap 
iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_lcapiZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Voting_bariZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_rcap 
iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_lcapiZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Voting_bariZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_rcap 
iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_lcapiZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Voting_bariZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_rcap 
iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_lcapiZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Voting_bariZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_rcap 
iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_lcapiZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Voting_bariZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_rcap 
iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_lcapiZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Voting_bariZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) Vote_rcap 
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iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng)
iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng) 1471347554_01

iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced 7.01 (Eng)|616 MB | 675 MB
iZotope Ozone - a full and functional application, which can be safely called a complete system for performing mastering. In one integrated plug-in all necessary tools are collected, which are necessary for post-processing of various musical compositions. iZotope Ozone is the ideal option, which gives to each musician an absolutely innovative and perfect toolkit. Using such an application, which is notable for its flexibility and functionality, it is possible to quickly and accurately process any musical composition, bringing it to perfection and making its sound more qualitative, perfect and unique sounding.

Ozone combines the best nuances of both the analog and digital modes of representing the audio signal:
• Analog-simulated processing combined with linear phase accuracy
• Flexible options for adding realistic warmth, shock and space to the mix
• New IRC ™️ III limiter for louder, surround sound, while retaining clear detail of the mix
• Completely updated hybrid Reverb
• Additional room models for Reverb and different Excerpt modes.
• New "Stereoize" capability for expanding mono / narrow mixes.
• Peak detection mode "True Envelope" and "Detection Circuit filters" in the Dynamics module.
• Unique Equalizer Mode "Mixed-Phase"
• Optimized workflow

Of course, updates have touched on the design of the Ozone shell, in order to further simplify the process of obtaining the target sound. According to the developers, it will be more friendly for new users, but, at the same time, it will remain its own, for the old users of the product.

Also, some nice features of the workflow:
• Extensive preset manager with over 250 professional presets
• New presets for individual and intelligent modular "Amount Controls"
• User-adjustable signal routing and extensive automation support
• Optimized for modern DAW with low latency.
• Individual plug-ins for independent installation on host tracks: EQ, Maximizer, Dynamics, Stereo Imaging, Harmonic Exciter, and Reverb
• Additional control in each module for greater flexibility and accuracy
• Visual response

Each module is equipped with convenient spectrograms, phase meters, vector scopes and histograms:
• Meter Bridge with a full set of audio analyzers and visualization tools in one convenient and configurable window
• Exclusive "Meter Tap" plug-ins for visual analysis of multiple track streams
• 2D and 3D high-resolution real-time spectrograms and Spectrum Analyzer
• Improved Loudness Meters with options BS.1770-2, EBU, K-System, True Peak and RMS.

The new Ozone 6 feature is a powerful "Meter Bridge" providing a full set of analysis tools. Allows you to visually see the mix during mastering, during various adjustments, correcting problem mixes or comparing your mixes with reference tracks. As a bonus, Meter Bridge can serve as an explanatory training device for those who are going to learn more about the art of mastering.

Including the usual visualization tools from Ozone modules, Meter Bridge also includes new measuring tools in a convenient configurable window. Unlike typical points in the "waterfall" mode, a unique, real-time 3D Ozone spectrogram creates a detailed topographic map of sound, using the high-resolution Isotop spectrogram capabilities.

• Select between a high resolution spectrogram and a real-time 2D and 3D spectrogram.
• Consider a detailed display with the Freeze and Zoom options.
• Easily researched "Gain" values ​​for frequencies with convenient reading of the mouse pointer.
• Taking advantage of the video card processor for full-screen 3D signal display, leaving more CPU power for audio processing.

A convenient and configurable vector of Meter Bridge provides useful display options for studying the mix's stereo picture:
• "Lissajous" and "Polar" modes provide multiple visualizations of the stereo field activity and activity history.
• The Stereo Balance meters illustrate the balance between the left and right channels.
• Correlation meters show the similarity between the left and right channels.
• Rapid recognition of mono and / or phase compatibility problems.

Also, Meter Bridge includes a fully configurable real-time spectral analyzer:
• Time and frequency increase functions.
• Mid / Side, Left / Right, Linear, octave band and other options.
• Fully independent settings from the spectral display of the ozone equalizer
• "Spectrum True Fill" displaying a neat overview of high-frequency information
• Meters of "loudness".

What's new in iZotope Ozone 7 Advanced:
Vintage Tape [Advanced only]
- The Vintage Tape module brings the distinctive richness and warmth of tape to your modern digital recordings with all the frequency coloration, distortion, and phase effects of tape. Take advantage of the analogue tone for masters that sound more musical with added dimension, fatness, and depth.
Vintage EQ [Advanced only]
- With the richness, warmth, and color of Pultec equalizers, Vintage EQ lets you brighten your master, smooth out heavy lows, and add body to your digital recordings. Discrete frequency value selections let you boost and cut separately - but at the same time! - without ending up with a "boomy" master.
Vintage Compressor [Advanced only]
- Vintage Compressor is a single-band compression module for subtle warming and sweetening effects. The program-dependent release tailors release depends on your material to adapt to your music. Thicken the midrange, tighten and round out the lows, let the top sparkle, and get authentic vintage character.
Codec Preview [Advanced only]
- Get a real-time listen to how your master will sound in various industry-standard codecs with Codec Preview. Preview of the DAW or the Ozone standalone application. Instantly make adjustments to perfect the audio for streaming or online music stores with this easy-to-use tool that improves your workflow.
Vintage Limiter
- The "Tube" mode that was part of the Maximizer in Ozone 6.1 has been broken out to its own module, the new Vintage Limiter, and got an upgrade with faster and slower settings. Glue a mix together and add character with the Vintage Limiter's warmer, analog-sounding final-stage limiting while retaining the ease and precision of digital maximizing. Bring a natural feel to harsh and digital-sounding masters. Get a silky warmth and body and the nostalgic vibe of the classic.
Export Formats
- Specify the file format for export from a variety of compressed or uncompressed popular choices like MP3, WAV, and AAC. You no longer need to output to .wav and then use a separate MP3 converter. Now you can export your digital formats directly from your source files and add metadata before export, including track name, band name, album name, and more.
Upgraded Maximizer with IRC IV
- Ozone's legendary mastering limiter features a new algorithm (IRC IV) with multiband and frequency-specific operation, so that the limiter does not have to work as hard. Get even more transparent mixes with less pumping at higher volumes - ideal for when you need to tame the kick. The former "Tube" mode has the expanded to its own new Vintage Limiter module and is backwards compatible with Ozone 6.1 presets.
Year of manufacture: 2016
OS: Windows®️ 7/8 / 8.1 / 10
Language: English
Medicine: Included
The size: 616 MB | 675 MB

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