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VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_lcapVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Voting_barVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_rcap 
VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_lcapVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Voting_barVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_rcap 
VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_lcapVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Voting_barVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_rcap 
VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_lcapVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Voting_barVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_rcap 
VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_lcapVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Voting_barVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_rcap 
VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_lcapVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Voting_barVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_rcap 
VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_lcapVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Voting_barVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_rcap 
VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_lcapVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Voting_barVeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Vote_rcap 
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 VeBest Astrology 2.6.14

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Mensajes : 46481
Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Empty
MensajeTema: VeBest Astrology 2.6.14   VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 EmptySáb Dic 16, 2017 7:34 pm

VeBest Astrology 2.6.14
VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Image

VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 | 42 MB

Innovative and powerful software for professional astrologers and amateurs is developed by VeBest - one of the most respectful spiritual software developers. If you want to predict your future life trends, astrology software provides you with transits readings and astrological forecasts for your personal location and date.

It is one of the most user-friendly anc accurate astrology software available in the market. Though VeBest software has options made specifically for astrologists, it is designed for the beginners and amateurs also. Customers of the full professional astrology software have permission to sell all reports.
List of the main features:
- Natal chart wheel view - personal and with partners;
- Ephemeries tables;
- Ephemeries graph;
- Aspects table and interpretations;
- Planets in Zodiac interpretations;
- Countries and cities location database;
- Selectable astrological celestial bodies;
- Modern, easy to use user interface;
- Designed for MacOS and Windows, with additional iOS and Android apps;
Professional features:
- Extended Planets in Zodiac interpretations;
- Transits interpretations;
- Synastry readings;
- Customizable graphics chart editor;
- Readings editor - customize texts, fonts, colors, styles;
- Export reports to PDF.
System requirements:
- Windows 10/8/7 (32/64) or Mac OS 10.9 and above;
- Internet connection (for startup activation).

VeBest Astrology 2.6.14 Oslj1fqgwyyi
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VeBest Astrology 2.6.14

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