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Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_lcapScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Voting_barScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_rcap 
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_lcapScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Voting_barScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_rcap 
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_lcapScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Voting_barScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_rcap 
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_lcapScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Voting_barScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_rcap 
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_lcapScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Voting_barScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_rcap 
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_lcapScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Voting_barScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_rcap 
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_lcapScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Voting_barScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_rcap 
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_lcapScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Voting_barScientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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» JRiver Media Center 32.0.55 (x64) Multilingual
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyHoy a las 12:16 pm por tano1221

» APU Software APU Loudness Compressor 2.8.0
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyHoy a las 11:10 am por tano1221

» Glary Utilities Pro Multilingual
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyHoy a las 10:56 am por tano1221

» High-Logic FontCreator
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyHoy a las 10:48 am por tano1221

» EditPlus 6.0.632 (x86/x64)
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyHoy a las 10:43 am por tano1221

» Glary Malware Hunter Pro Multilingual
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyHoy a las 10:40 am por tano1221

» Adobe Acrobat Reader 2024.002.20857 [x86][x64] Multilingual
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyAyer a las 11:18 pm por ПΣӨƧӨFƬ

» UFS Explorer Professional Recovery Multilingual
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyAyer a las 10:48 pm por tano1221

» Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.1.2 Build 18358 (x64) Multilingual
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyAyer a las 10:38 pm por tano1221

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 Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64)

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Mensajes : 46481
Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Empty
MensajeTema: Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64)   Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) EmptyVie Ene 05, 2018 1:27 am

Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64)
Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Image

Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) | 70.5/79.2 Mb

Understand is a static analysis tool for maintaining, measuring, & analyzing critical or large code bases. From metrics and graphs to dependency analysis, Master your source code with Understand.

* Class Count

Understand is a static analysis tool for maintaining, measuring, & analyzing critical or large code bases. From metrics and graphs to dependency analysis, Master your source code with Understand.
Basic Metrics
* Class Count
* File Count
* Function Count
* Line Count
* Blank Line Count
* Code Line Count
* Comment Line Count
* Inactive Line Count
* Declarative Statement Count
* Executable Statement Count
* Ratio Comment to Code
Advanced Metrics (Partial list)
* Cyclomatic Complexity
* Knots
* Class Coupling
* Percent Lack of Cohesion
* Path Count
* Max Inheritance
* Base Class Count
* Inherited Class Count
* Number of Instance Methods
* Weighted Methods per Class

Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64) Oslj1fqgwyyi
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Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64)

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» Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64)
» Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64)
» Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64)
» Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64)
» Scientific Toolworks Understand 4.0.906 (x86/x64)

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