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Teorex iResizer v3.0 Vote_lcapTeorex iResizer v3.0 Voting_barTeorex iResizer v3.0 Vote_rcap 
Teorex iResizer v3.0 Vote_lcapTeorex iResizer v3.0 Voting_barTeorex iResizer v3.0 Vote_rcap 
Teorex iResizer v3.0 Vote_lcapTeorex iResizer v3.0 Voting_barTeorex iResizer v3.0 Vote_rcap 
Teorex iResizer v3.0 Vote_lcapTeorex iResizer v3.0 Voting_barTeorex iResizer v3.0 Vote_rcap 
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 Teorex iResizer v3.0

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Mensajes : 794
Fecha de inscripción : 31/10/2017

Teorex iResizer v3.0 Empty
MensajeTema: Teorex iResizer v3.0   Teorex iResizer v3.0 EmptyLun Feb 26, 2018 2:43 am

Teorex iResizer v3.0 Teorex_i_Resizer

Teorex iResizer v3.0 Include Serial | Size 8 MB

Release Date : February 2018
Languages : English / Multilanguage
Operating System : Windows XP / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
System Type : 32-bit / 64-bit

Intelligent Resizer : Rescale Photos Without Rescaling the Subject!
Intelligent Resizer enables new smart ways of resizing images without deforming or cropping the content. Go to our Tutorials page and see for yourself how easy it is for anyone to do with just a few simple steps.

Top Reasons to use iResizer
Match the aspect ratio of your photos and your prints
Change the spacing between main objects
Remove objects from photos
Change image aspect ratio
Fit entire photos on Instagram without cropping
Easy to get use & get started
Completely non-technical

iResizer scales an image without changing important visual content such as people, buildings, animals, etc. While normal resizing affects all pixels uniformly when scaling an image, iResizer resizing mostly affects pixels in areas that do not have important visual content.

How it works
iResizer content aware image resizing software rescales images non uniformly while preserving the key features of the picture. iResizer avoids distortion of the important parts of the image. It also can be used to remove portion of the image in a consistent way. For example, you can turn a landscape picture into a square picture and close up the space between people in an image if they are a long way apart. It also works in reverse and you can use it to make a photo larger.
You can mark important elements in the image using the green marker. This technique is handy if you have areas of the image that you want to retain at the expense of other areas and it can also be used to protect people in the image. Also you can use the red marker to select which features of the image should be discarded.

Teorex iResizer v3.0 1d5896645d39e0a6f7af3532e6aa52ca

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