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Working with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_lcapWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Voting_barWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_rcap 
Working with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_lcapWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Voting_barWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_rcap 
Working with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_lcapWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Voting_barWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_rcap 
Working with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_lcapWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Voting_barWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_rcap 
Working with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_lcapWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Voting_barWorking with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Vote_rcap 
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 Working with JSON in Xcode [Video]

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Working with  JSON in Xcode [Video] Empty
MensajeTema: Working with JSON in Xcode [Video]   Working with  JSON in Xcode [Video] EmptySáb Dic 05, 2020 9:36 am

Working with  JSON in Xcode [Video] 6bd40918755d1c0b46c6e3330df5d268

Working with JSON in Xcode:
Downloading and Listing JSON Data in TableView in iOS
by Tihomir Radev

English | 2020 | h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 | 44100 Hz, 2channels | 34m | 85 MB

Download JSON data from an online location into your iOS apps. You'll work a sample list of contacts with email addresses, phone numbers, names, and other relevant information. You'll then see how to format the data properly and list it in a TableView to be more user-friendly to read for display in your app.
Working with JSON in iOS is one of the most useful pieces of knowledge for a developer. It's used on a daily basis in a wide variety of apps. Displaying online data in an app is an essential part of the iOS ecosystem. Learn how to download text from a server and then format the data properly with Codable in Swift. Using custom cells, you'll build a TableView then place everything in an adaptable AutoLayout. Finally, you'll populate the TableView with the formatted JSON data represented by an array of custom items. By the end of this video, you'll be able to incorporate JSON data into your apps in a user-friendly and easily accessible manner.
What You Will Learn
Format JSON data properly with Codable in Swift
Build a TableView with custom cells
Place data in adaptable AutoLayout
Who This Video Is For
iOS developers with advanced skills in Xcode and Swift who want to incorporate JSON data displayed properly in their apps.

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