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Chinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_lcapChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Voting_barChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_rcap 
Chinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_lcapChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Voting_barChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_rcap 
Chinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_lcapChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Voting_barChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_rcap 
Chinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_lcapChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Voting_barChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_rcap 
Chinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_lcapChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Voting_barChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_rcap 
Chinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_lcapChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Voting_barChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_rcap 
Chinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_lcapChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Voting_barChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_rcap 
Chinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_lcapChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Voting_barChinese Characters You  Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18 Vote_rcap 
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Chinese Characters You Must Know for HSK 3 - HSK 4 Volume 18
MP4 | h264, 1280x720 | Lang: English | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz | 1h 37m | 0.99 GB
The Most Common Used Chinese Characters- 851-900 according HSK, Trace the roots and Expand Vocabulary in a Smart Way

What you'll learn
Understand the only language without alphabets
Learn how to write Chinese using animation.
Learn the secrets of how Chinese Characters were created.
Decode Chinese - Learn Radicals
Know basic rules of how the Characters are created
Know basic 7 rules of how the Characters are written
Learn Pinyin (Pronunciation System) and know how to read correctly
Know the right path for your further study, better with us, of course
You may have ZERO basic Chinese.
You should have determination to start.
You should have interest in Chinese language
Have 5 - 10 minutes time slot to study Chinese language
New updates in Version 2020:

- All Chinese Characters and its related vocabulary expansion will be edited into PDF book, share in Udemy courses and sell in Amazon KDP, Google books and iBooks. We find the best way to publish online. See our new course: Sell Books in Amazon, Google Play Books, Apple Books as Pro- How to publish your books on the 3 big marketplaces and Marketing Strategies beyond it using social media etc.

The Most Common Used Chinese Characters- 851-900:

851 映 HSK 4 LM 1382 映

852 景 HSK 4 LM 669 景

853 暂 HSK 4 LM 1519 暫

854 暑 HSK 4 LM 2132 暑

855 暖 HSK 4 LM 1285 暖

856 暗 HSK 4 LM 1232 暗

857 替 HSK 4 LM 1118 替

858 本 HSK 4 LM 28 本

859 术 HSK 4 LM 613 術

860 杂 HSK 4 LM 1375 雜

861 材 HSK 4 LM 761 材

862 村 HSK 4 LM 311 村

863 松 HSK 4 LM 769 松

864 染 HSK 4 LM 1267 染

865 柿 HSK 4 LM 2326 柿

866 标 HSK 4 LM 717 標

867 格 HSK 4 LM 577 格

868 案 HSK 4 LM 402 案

869 桥 HSK 4 LM 705 橋

870 桶 HSK 4 LM 1661 桶

871 梦 HSK 4 LM 540 夢

872 棵 HSK 4 LM 1495 棵

873 植 HSK 4 LM 1512 植

874 概 HSK 4 LM 1409 概

875 歉 HSK 4 LM 2397 歉

876 止 HSK 4 LM 930 止

877 此 HSK 4 LM 212 此

878 死 HSK 4 LM 400 死

879 母 HSK 4 LM 565 母

880 毕 HSK 4 LM 1588 畢

881 民 HSK 4 LM 398 民

882 永 HSK 4 LM 787 永

883 汗 HSK 4 LM 1078 汗

884 江 HSK 4 LM 487 江

885 污 HSK 4 LM 1944 污

886 汤 HSK 4 LM 1093 湯

887 沙 HSK 4 LM 849 沙

888 油 HSK 4 LM 433 油

889 泪 HSK 4 LM 1256 淚

890 泼 HSK 4 LM 1926 潑

891 洋 HSK 4 LM 719 洋

892 洲 HSK 4 LM 1158 洲

893 活 HSK 4 LM 414 活

894 流 HSK 4 LM 290 流

895 济 HSK 4 LM 1203 濟

896 浪 HSK 4 LM 895 浪

897 消 HSK 4 LM 898 消

898 润 HSK 4 LM 1288 潤

899 深 HSK 4 LM 356 深

900 渐 HSK 4 LM 1455 漸

Chinese is a pictorial language and is the only Language which has no Alphabet. Chinese Characters originated from picture. According legend, Cang Jie (仓颉) created Chinese Characters or scripts. Inspired by the trace of bird and animal, he created Chinese Characters or scripts by observing the nature shape such as Sun, moon, wood. Around one third of the total population on the earth are still using Chinese Characters. The creation and evolution of Chinese Characters is closely interwoven with the development of Chinese Culture and has long lasting impact on Japan, Korean, Vietnam, and Thailand... etc.

Chinese Characters are an important tool for extending, spreading and exchanging idea. Chinese Characters contain information and will never be replaced by Alphabet in other languages.

It is a daunting challenge to foreigner as well as native Chinese. But good news for you, we have secrets to share with you how to study Chinese in a smarter way:

Guessing! Guessing by Chinese Radicals. There are around 220 Chinese Radicals in my collections. But the Most Common 20 Chinese Radicals which account 51% of total Chinese Characters.

We will arrange the Chinese Radicals according their importance and give you the most important 60 Chinese Radicals in 3 courses.

Overall, there will be two series to cover Chinese Radicals and boost your vocabulary.

1 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals, Quick View

2 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in Details

Quick View of Chinese Radicals will give you a big picture of Chinese Characters, something like a key to open the treasure.

HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in details

We will explain Chinese Radicals with the most common Chinese Characters in HSK 1 - 6 (Chinese Proficiency Test Level 1-6).

After boot camping of Chinese Characters, we will test your understanding by reading quiz.

In each video, there is a section call "Vocabulary Builder", which is our many years' effort in Chinese teaching as a secondary language.

The main features of "Vocabulary Builder" are:

1 The best possible English translations. The English translation is referring to Oxford Dictionary and other online dictionaries. Clear English translation is SO important for foreigner students to learn Chinese.

Each Character and even phrases may have many meanings. Accurate English translation will give you a crystal clear view on Chinese phrases.

2 Up-to-date and updating. We have go thought the whole Oxford Dictionary and other recourses to collect more than 60,000 phrases with the best translation possible for our reference in editing materials.

We are updating more than 5000 new phrases into our collections to reflect the ever-never fast changing China.

3 Indicating the difficulty level of Phrase according to HSK levels.

You will not see such Classifications in any other dictionaries. Our unique classification provides a framework for selecting of articles. Choosing material suitable for students' level and evaluate their progress is an Art of teaching.

4 The most important thing is the Vocabulary Builder.

This is more than just a vocabulary list. It is a Language Builder based on the Chinese language's special features and our 25 years' experience.

The Vocabulary Builder will find and list out the connections among Chinese Characters, expand into more phrases. We will use sentence to show how to use the new phrase in context, to point out the common booby trap.

Vocabulary Builder actually is our natural process of Language Building.

Who this course is for:
It is the prefect start point for HSK takers.
Who want to expand vocabulary
It is also a good starting point for ZERO beginners.
For who want to learn the secrets of how Chinese Characters were created
For who want to trace the roots of Chinese Characters and Expand Vocabulary in a Smart Way

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