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Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_lcapDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Voting_barDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_rcap 
Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_lcapDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Voting_barDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_rcap 
Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_lcapDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Voting_barDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_rcap 
Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_lcapDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Voting_barDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_rcap 
Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_lcapDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Voting_barDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_rcap 
Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_lcapDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Voting_barDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_rcap 
Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_lcapDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Voting_barDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_rcap 
Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_lcapDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Voting_barDigital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Vote_rcap 
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 Digital Illustration: Colorful Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature

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Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature Empty
MensajeTema: Digital Illustration: Colorful Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature   Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature EmptyMar Mar 16, 2021 7:45 am

Digital Illustration: Colorful  Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature 11153d65a1dd54a6b0773da0606d2962

Digital Illustration: Colorful Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature
MP4 | h264, 1920x1080 | Lang: English | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz | 46m | 1.05 GB
Create easy, beautiful and colorful mandalas with intention and purpose, on Photoshop!

About This Class
Create easy, beautiful and colorful mandalas with intention and purpose, on Photoshop!

Art is a wonderful way to communicate without words. In this class you will learn how to illustrate with meaning, using nature as your source of inspiration to understand your own personal and unique nature! In this class, we will create powerful and unique mandalas based on our own dreams and desires. This class is not about improving the skill of drawing, but about improving the skill of creating from the heart. You are invited to use this class as a self-care activity, where you will practice creating art while reflecting on your life.

By understanding the Earth element, you will illustrate structure, practicality, accomplishing things and bringing your dreams into reality.
By understanding Fire, you will illustrate fun, joy, passions and moving up and forward in life, no matter where that takes you.
By understanding Air, you will illustrate clarity of mind, better ideas, effective communication and knowing what you want in life.
By understanding Water, you will illustrate self-love, emotional balance, persistence and the certainty that inevitably you will get where you want to be, sooner or later.
Mandalas are a sacred type of art that can be found in many different cultures throughout history. It represents the perfect balance found in nature, that symmetry we can find in so many structures around us, like flowers, spider webs and snow flakes. By creating perfectly symmetrical mandalas in this class, you will be invited to reflect on your life, your feelings, challenges and desires. By following the easiest and quickest process to design mandalas on Photoshop, we will create 4 different mandalas based on the 4 movements of nature: Earth, Fire, Air and Water. The mandalas you create with this class can be used to decorate your home, empower your vision boards, energize your journaling, or simply to be a reminder of how amazing you truly are!

In this class, you will be invited to:

Reflect on all areas of your life and envision your intentions for the future.
Learn step-by-step how to create a unique mandala using the Symmetry tool on Photoshop (beginner friendly!).
Download new brushes and create different textures in your digital illustrations.
Learn the meanings of color groups based in nature.
Create 4 different color palettes for each area of your life.
Learn how to use color to express your intentions in your art.
Learn about the 4 elements of nature and how they can be represented in your art.
Express and process your feelings through mandala creation.
Practice using your intuition when choosing the right colors and brushes.
Learn my favorite shortcuts, tips and tricks to get the best out of Photoshop.
Join me in this fun and inspirational class that will give you the freedom to explore your creativity and express yourself completely!

This class is welcoming to everyone. All you need is a computer with Photoshop. Or you can even use this knowledge to create your own hand-drawn mandalas using your favorite mediums!

Project Description
Create at least one mandala inspired by one of the elements: Earth, Fire, Air or Water. Use your knowledge and intuition about the meanings of colors, shapes and textures to express an intention or goal you have for yourself.

The process:

Decide which element speaks most to you or which one you might want or need more in your life.
Think about your life and envision your future and what you want for your life. What do you want to express?
Create a color palette for that element you chose, keeping your intentions in mind. What kind of nature carries the energy of this intention? What colors can be found in this nature?
Create a mandala using the Symmetry tool on Photoshop. Kind reminders:
Press "B" on your keyboard (Brush tool) to activate the Symmetry tool.
Keep your color palette open on another tab on Photoshop, and go back and forth

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Digital Illustration: Colorful Mandalas On Photoshop Inspired By Nature

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