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Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_lcapAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Voting_barAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_rcap 
Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_lcapAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Voting_barAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_rcap 
Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_lcapAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Voting_barAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_rcap 
Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_lcapAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Voting_barAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_rcap 
Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_lcapAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Voting_barAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_rcap 
Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_lcapAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Voting_barAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_rcap 
Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_lcapAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Voting_barAndrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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 Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT

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Mensajes : 69941
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT Empty
MensajeTema: Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT   Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT EmptyMar Mayo 18, 2021 10:18 am

Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT C5e54b36850df66b6db1f927feab9c93

Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT | 400 Mb
Vocal Phrases are grouped on different colors and the user is able to edit FX settings such as: Stack, Tone, Delay and Verb. Bonus includes Crush, Tone, Delay and Verb. You can control the level of stacked voices that will be created to enrich a choral alike image, very useful for ambience.

You can control the Equalization (Low-Mid-High).

You can control the Delay parameters such as: Time, Feedback and Filter.

You can control the Reverb parameters such as: Size, Time and Damp.

CRUSH (Bonus Only)
You can control Crush parameters such as: Tube, Tape and Bit.

You can easily change sound clicking the arrows or you can browse clicking to the LCD.

All instruments without FX and ADSR in default, so in this way you can customize your ADSR
(Attack, Delay, Sustain and Release) and FX (Reverb, Delay and Crush)

New elegant GUI with controls of Envelope and Tone for the creation of custom presets.

You can use the Stack that gives more stereophony for the vocals.

Custom sound
You can use the Crush to get an amazing distorted sound for the Bonus patches.

Version 2.0 Update Release Notes

- Groups Optimization
- New Graphic User Interface
- FX Controls
- All-in-one patches
- Low RAM Optimization
- Octaves Optimization
- LP1 Filter with Modulation Wheel added

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Andrew Fly Cinematic Alpha Vocals Edition v2.0 KONTAKT

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