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Repix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_lcapRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Voting_barRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_rcap 
Repix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_lcapRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Voting_barRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_rcap 
Repix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_lcapRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Voting_barRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_rcap 
Repix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_lcapRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Voting_barRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_rcap 
Repix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_lcapRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Voting_barRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_rcap 
Repix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_lcapRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Voting_barRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_rcap 
Repix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_lcapRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Voting_barRepix Pro 2.2  MAS Vote_rcap 
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Mensajes : 78675
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Repix Pro 2.2  MAS Empty
MensajeTema: Repix Pro 2.2 MAS   Repix Pro 2.2  MAS EmptyMar Jun 29, 2021 10:25 am

Repix Pro 2.2  MAS Af6913d59361d70e418e41f42b4d2a98
File size: 17.09 MB
An all in one solution for all your tasks related to Applying Filters, Resizing, Cropping, and renaming all of your images at once. Batch Processing of images was never this easy. whether it be one image or thousands of them, processing them is as easy as snapping your fingers. whether you have strict size criteria for web/graphics design projects. or just wish to make it smaller for social media.

We took care of every user from Novice to Advance. If you have no clue about those figures written in the Width and Height Boxes, No worries, Just drag and drop your image on to Any of the preset and Done. If you need advance controls, we prepared a separate Advance section for you.

Liked what you just performed on an image? Well, Your tweaks and settings are always yours with the functionality of making it your favorite presets. Save it and use it anytime you want.

RePix PRO delivers you the finest possible output and you can experience it in the performance. And it's blazing fast.

So, What makes RePix PRO Unique ?

*SMART RESIZING- Resizing is hassle-free in RePix PRO. Resize it from the whole bunch of Size Presets.
Just drag & drop your images on to any of the desired preset. and Voila. You're done.
Not sure about the dimensions.? No issues, RePix PRO now lets you resize in Percentage of the size you want.
*MAGIC CROP- A super-smart Magic Crop functionality crops your images with precise control and also takes care of the person in the photo. Now you need not worry about chopping off someone's head or Toe in the image. The magic crop has held your back.
*AUTO IMAGE ENHANCER- Collection of hand-picked filters and corrections which enhances your image
*BATCH RENAMER- Batch renaming is easy and fun. Make it truly yours with added custom suffix and prefix of your choice. Find any word in the Image name and replace it with your favorite word to make it memorable.
*EXPORT- It offers greater control on your exported images. Choose from a bunch of formats like .JPG / .JPEG / .PNG / .BMP / .TIFF / .HEIC / .HEIF. Oh Yeah. You can see your favorite photos being worked on in preview while Exporting.
*EDITOR- Editor Mode is a handy tool for applying Quick Filters and smart Cropping on selected images.
*DARK MODE- Soothing Dark Mode makes your experience seamless.
*UPDATES- Regular Free Updates & Support.
Release Notes

* Fix of applying Effect filter.
* Improved version.

Supported Operation System:
* macOS 10.13 or later
* Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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