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Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Voting_barSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Voting_barSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Voting_barSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Voting_barSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Voting_barSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Voting_barSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Voting_barSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Voting_barSound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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 Sound Particles Density v1.0.0

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Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 Empty
MensajeTema: Sound Particles Density v1.0.0   Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 EmptyDom Sep 25, 2022 5:35 am

Sound Particles Density  v1.0.0 5e08d9df01be6d4d516e50e422064ba3

MORiA | September, 24 2022 | VST | VST3 | AAX | 85 MB

Density Plugin Density is an audio effect plugin that creates various layers of sounds based on the input. With great results in stereo and fantastic ones in immersive, this plugin allows artists to create incredible sounding ensembles based on a solo input and get incredible spatialization.

A voice turns into choirs and a violin into string ensembles
Density creates various layers of sounds based on a single track. Using our granular technology, It's now incredibly easy to increase the density of sounds on your tracks, with beautiful results.
From music to sound design, from stereo to Dolby Atmos, Density is a plugin that you definitely want in your toolset.
Basic Mode
This mode allows you to use the plugin quickly, without needing any additional experience, with incredible results. With just a few controls, you can create small or large ensembles from a single sound.
Detune Mode
This mode is perfect to create the feeling of various layers. The Detune Mode has more advanced controls that allow you to fine-tune some parameters related to the generation of grains and the movement of the voices.
Pitch Mode
This mode creates multiple groups of voices with individual controls for pitch, number of voices, and gain, allowing harmonization like a choir - and giving you the most realistic - and most creative results.
XY Pad
Control two parameters at the same time with the mouse, to give you the best way to express yourself
All Formats
Take advantage of creating in all the following formats: stereo, 5.1, 7.1, Ambisonics, binaural, Dolby Atmos, ...
Make grains move to bring more life to your sounds by choosing its movement patterns
Top View
A circular visual representation of your layers in a 3D space
Separate control of input and generated voices allow you to easily automate the gain of the generated voices to control your music performance
Use presets or our randomization tool to explore multiple out-of-the-box results in a fast way
Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
System Requirements
Mac OSX 10.13 or higher
Intel and native Apple Silicon Macs
Windows 10 or higher
CPU RECOMENDED 4-core or higher 8GB RAM


Download link
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Sound Particles Density v1.0.0

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