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Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_lcapWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Voting_barWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_rcap 
Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_lcapWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Voting_barWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_rcap 
Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_lcapWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Voting_barWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_rcap 
Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_lcapWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Voting_barWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_rcap 
Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_lcapWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Voting_barWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_rcap 
Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_lcapWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Voting_barWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_rcap 
Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_lcapWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Voting_barWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_rcap 
Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_lcapWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Voting_barWaldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Vote_rcap 
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 Waldorf PPG Wave 3 v1.3.1

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Mensajes : 70278
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 Empty
MensajeTema: Waldorf PPG Wave 3 v1.3.1   Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 EmptyJue Sep 29, 2022 10:15 pm

Waldorf PPG Wave  3 v1.3.1 889d3150baa6adb99d2cbc2c23ba0377

File size: 52 MB

The PPG Wave 3.V is the reincarnation of the legendary PPG Wave, one of the most popular high end synthesizers of the 80s, originally developed by Wolfgang Palm.

While back then it was your choice to spent your money either for a vehicle or the PPG, -- now everyone can enjoy its breathtaking sonic character in their VST or AudioUnit host. During the development of the PPG Wave 3.V we received extensive consultation by Wolfgang Palm to ensure that the PPG Wave 3.V becomes a worthy successor of this adorable jewel of the art of German engineering.
Unleash the massive sound potential with the charm of the "good old digital days" with this unique instrument, and bring back the pure joy and individuality of 80s synthesis with the PPG Wave 3.V!!
Up to 256 voices per instance (depending on available CPU power)
8 part Multimode
8 Stereo Outputs
Host automation of most parameters
MIDI Controller automation of most parameters
More than 100 new Wavetables created by Wolfgang Palm
Original Waveterm B Factory Sample Library
Original PPG Wave Factory Sounds
Per Voice
2 Wavetable Oscillators
Sample Playback with 8 bit, 12 bit or up to 32 bit
Authentic Aliasing Emulation of the PPG Wave 2.2/2.3/2.V or no aliasing
12dB / 24 dB Low Pass Filter
Authentic Filter Emulation of the PPG Wave 2.2/2.3
Overdrive behind Filter
3 Envelopes
Authentic Emulation of the modulation graininess (switchable with True PPG)
Per Part (up to 8 parts available)
Poly, Dual, Quad and Mono (8 voices) mode with 8 different semitone offsets to create chords or melodic lines
Arpeggiator with Up, Down, Alternate and Cascade (PPG special) mode
True PPG Mode switchable between PPG Wave 2.2, Wave 2.3 and Wave 2.V
4-Band EQ
Overdrive with various types
Phaser with up to 12 stages
Chorus with up to 6 stages
Stereo Delay
Other Features
Sample loading via drag&drop or load file dialog
Multisample playback by using the 8 part Multimode
8 adjustable Cutoff / Resonance deviations to simulate analog inexactness
Finer adjustments of several values in Fine Modulatione mode
Everything runs properly as AudioUnit on Mac, PC, and also on Intel based Mac.
This offer is a download item. The boxed version can be purchased from your local dealer.
Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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Waldorf PPG Wave 3 v1.3.1

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