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Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Voting_barGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Voting_barGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Voting_barGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Voting_barGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Voting_barGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Voting_barGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Voting_barGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_lcapGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Voting_barGenuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Vote_rcap 
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 Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet v1.0.0

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Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Empty
MensajeTema: Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet v1.0.0   Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 EmptyMiér Mar 29, 2023 4:59 am

Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet  v1.0.0 Fa307712e30cb1a5bf2ba1210a9f3e72
Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet v1.0.0

GSi Solo Trumpet is a physical modeling emulation of a trumpet. This is a chapter GSi started a long time ago with one of the first plugins released to the public, then it evolved in a renovated emulation featured in the GSi Gemini, and now is here again with a new plugin.

Unlike other similar approaches to a digital recreation of a wind instrument, GSi Solo Trumpet is not meant to be necessarily controlled with a breath control or any other kind of expression controller. It can still be controlled from Midi CC messages and Channel Aftertouch, but its main purpose is to be played on a keyboard in a very natural way without being distracted by extra controllers. Solo Trumpet continuously analyzes the playing style, the use of velocity, staccato and legato, note distance and other elements in order to articulate the sound in a way that it sounds and plays natural and realistic. Features such as auto-bending, auto-vibrato and automatic expression are the key to a satisfying result and make Solo Trumpet a fun instrument to play.

Main features
- Includes emulation of a Trumpet (without a Mute, with Harmon Mute and Cup Mute), a Trombone and a Tuba
- Two variations of each instrument: Warm or Shrill
- Automatic Vibrato with adjustable average rate
- Automatic Bending with adjustable average speed
- Automatic Expression depending on note velocity
- Expression can be controlled by aftertouch or Midi CC
- Automatic glide depending on velocity and note distance
- Alternate key feature
- Option to bend notes using a sustain pedal
- Adjustable manual pitch bending
- Adjustable average note length
- Built-in Stereo Delay effect
- Built-in Stereo Reverb effect
- Adjustable sensitivity to velocity and aftertouch
- Adjustable aftertouch lag time
- Built-in programmer with unlimited Programs
- Embedded user's' manual
- Compatible with Windows, macOS and iPadOS
- Available as Stand-alone application, VST3, AU and AUv3 plugins

Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
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Genuine Soundware Solo Trumpet v1.0.0

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