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Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Vote_lcapDeliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Voting_barDeliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Vote_rcap 
Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Vote_lcapDeliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Voting_barDeliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Vote_rcap 
Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Vote_lcapDeliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Voting_barDeliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Vote_rcap 
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 Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9 macOS

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Mensajes : 69869
Fecha de inscripción : 21/08/2016

Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS Empty
MensajeTema: Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9 macOS   Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS EmptyMar Abr 18, 2023 4:18 pm

Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9  macOS 99a723a1649d7f71a8b716300246e322
Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9 macOS
File size: 11.77 MB

Automatic file delivery solution for remote and local destinations with email notifications and more.

Deliver offers automatic email notifications, hot folders, delivery to multiple destinations, support for major online services, detailed history and much more
✓ Notify recipients on file uploads by email automatically instead of babysitting your transfers
✓ Hot folders for automatic delivery with Deliver Express
✓ Automatic file compression & encryption
✓ Supports FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, local disks and other services
Watched hot folders
Create watched hot folders for your destinations, drop your files there - and they will be sent automatically. This option only available in Deliver Express which can run absolutely unattended and serve unlimited users on a network.
Automatic email notifications
Deliver solves the problem of notifying recipients about file uploads. Once the file is transferred, Deliver will send an email automatically so you don't need to lift a finger and babysit your deliveries. Your recipients can download files automatically from a link in the email.
...or copy download link
If you prefer to notify your recipients manually, you can just copy the file download link and include it in your email.
Variable email templates
The emails are based on powerful variable templates. Include variable data such as file name, destination, server location, hyperlink to your file or its enclosing folder, and more.
Create lo-res PDF on the fly
If you send a PDF file, Deliver can create its lo-res RGB version on the fly and attach it to the notification email as an instant preview for your recipients.
Automatic compression and encryption
Files and folders can be compressed in either .zip or .dmg format. Disk images can be automatically encrypted with a password.
Release Notes

Supported Operation System
• macOS 10.13 or later
• Intel Core processor


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Deliver Express Enterprise 2.7.9 macOS

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