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Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.0  macOS Vote_lcapMaxon Cinema 4D 2024.0  macOS Voting_barMaxon Cinema 4D 2024.0  macOS Vote_rcap 
Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.0  macOS Vote_lcapMaxon Cinema 4D 2024.0  macOS Voting_barMaxon Cinema 4D 2024.0  macOS Vote_rcap 
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» K-Lite Codec Pack 18.3.5 Basic/Standard/Full/Mega
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» Irix HDR Pro / Classic Pro 2.3.27 (x64) Multilingual
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» BackUp Maker Professional 8.307 Multilingual Retail
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» Cleaning Suite Professional 4.013 Multilingual Retail
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» Secure Eraser Professional 6.106 Multilingual Retail
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» DriverDoc Pro 2024 (x64) Multilingual
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» PDF Imager Professional 2.007 Multilingual Retail
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» IDimager Photo Supreme 2024.1.1.6450 (x64) Multilingual
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» UniFab (x64) Multilingual
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Mensajes : 69941
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.0  macOS Empty
MensajeTema: Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.0 macOS   Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.0  macOS EmptyDom Sep 17, 2023 9:35 am

Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.0  macOS B5463c82cbc214ed96acf44245a0f836

Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.0 macOS
File Size: 1.89 GB
Cinema 4D is a professional 3D modeling, animation, simulation and rendering software solution. Its fast, powerful, flexible and stable toolset make 3D workflows more accessible and efficient for design, motion graphics, VFX, AR/MR/VR, game development and all types of visualization professionals. Cinema 4D produces stunning results, whether working on your own or in a team.

Cinema 4D 2024 provides unmatched speed and performance for the most sophisticated creative scenes. Rigid Body Simulations can now interact with all existing forces, pyro, cloth and soft bodies. Pyro shines with a hot new feature that allows fire to be emitted from particles and matrices. And the new Vertex Normal tools offer artists unparalleled precision to perfect surfaces.

- Cinema 4D 2024 is more than twice as fast as previous versions - through the power of Maxon's brand new core that optimizes speed and performance.

- Thanks to the addition of Rigid Body Simulations to Cinema 4D's Unified Simulation System, solid objects can now interact with all simulation types in the scene - be it soft bodies, cloth, ropes or Pyro.

- Pyro now offers more precise controls for artists to art direct their simulation and ensure it matches their vision. By adding the Pyro tag to standard particle emitters, thinking particle geometries and matrix cloners, they can now emit Pyro. This enables artists to create filmic scenes with fire, smoke trails and explosions or visualize beautiful fireworks in the night sky. With the help of UpRes, creatives can use a lower resolution simulation for quicker turnarounds during the art direction and concepting stage of a project and then render the simulation in full quality for final output.

- Cinema 4D 2024 introduces new vertex normal controls that give artists full control over adjusting vertex and polygon normals to remove shading artifacts.

- The new modeling tools in Cinema 4D 2024 will make handling complex tasks a breeze. Select Pattern allows artists to repeat a selection on the surface of the mesh with one click. Projection Deformer gives users quick control and lets them move points from one object to another in any direction.

- The Node UI in Cinema 4D 2024 has been revamped. Apart from improving the overall look, the new Notes feature shines with direct annotations in the Node Editor that artists can use to document their nodal network.

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Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.0 macOS

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