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Google Drive  81.0.5 Vote_lcapGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Voting_barGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Google Drive  81.0.5 Vote_lcapGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Voting_barGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Google Drive  81.0.5 Vote_lcapGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Voting_barGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Google Drive  81.0.5 Vote_lcapGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Voting_barGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Google Drive  81.0.5 Vote_lcapGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Voting_barGoogle Drive  81.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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» K-Lite Codec Pack 18.3.5 Basic/Standard/Full/Mega
Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyAyer a las 7:15 pm por ПΣӨƧӨFƬ

» Irix HDR Pro / Classic Pro 2.3.27 (x64) Multilingual
Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyAyer a las 6:59 pm por 大†Shinegumi†大

» BackUp Maker Professional 8.307 Multilingual Retail
Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyAyer a las 6:58 pm por 大†Shinegumi†大

» Cleaning Suite Professional 4.013 Multilingual Retail
Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyAyer a las 6:56 pm por 大†Shinegumi†大

» Secure Eraser Professional 6.106 Multilingual Retail
Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyAyer a las 6:56 pm por 大†Shinegumi†大

» DriverDoc Pro 2024 (x64) Multilingual
Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyAyer a las 6:37 pm por Engh3

» PDF Imager Professional 2.007 Multilingual Retail
Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyAyer a las 6:34 pm por Engh3

» IDimager Photo Supreme 2024.1.1.6450 (x64) Multilingual
Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyAyer a las 6:29 pm por Engh3

» UniFab (x64) Multilingual
Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyAyer a las 5:59 pm por Engh3

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 Google Drive 81.0.5

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Mensajes : 69941
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Google Drive  81.0.5 Empty
MensajeTema: Google Drive 81.0.5   Google Drive  81.0.5 EmptyVie Sep 22, 2023 5:09 am

Google Drive  81.0.5 33050fa31bae6319c02ce6ed84a0545f
Google Drive 81.0.5
File Size: 154.5 MB

Google Drive (Backup and Sync) lets you access your stuff on every computer and mobile device. Using Google Drive is a great way to store your files safely in secure data centers, where your files won't go missing. Even if your computer, phone or tablet break, the files you store in Google Drive are safe.Upload photos, videos, documents, and other files that are important to you to Google Drive. Get going with up to 15GB of storage. Free. Google Drive helps you get to your files faster by recognizing objects in your images and text in scanned documents.

View over 30 file types right in your browser - including HD video, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop - even if you don't have the program installed on your computer. If you use Chrome, you can turn on Drive offline to create, edit, and comment on Docs, Slides, and Drawings and view Sheets when there's no network connection.
Connect with others by chatting right inside Docs, Sheets, and Slides, or leave comments on files and images. Add a + in front of an email address in a comment and Drive will send them an email so they know to follow up.

Easily get your stuff in Drive. Drag one or hundreds of files into the Drive folder on your computer and they'll always be available at, on the mobile app, and wherever you install Drive.
Access what you need, wherever you go. Get apps for Android and iOS on your mobile phone and tablet, then get to everything you keep in Drive from wherever you are.
Create something. Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides are built in to Drive. Whip up a grocery list, plan an event in a spreadsheet, or put together a presentation for your history class on your own or with others.
Safe, secure, shareable. No matter what happens to your devices, your files are safely stored in Google Drive. And everything you upload to or create in Drive belongs to you and is automatically set to private, unless you decide to share.
Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides automatically save and track every change you make, forever. You can also look back as far as 30 days on other file types, making it easy to see who has made changes and restore previous versions.

Create, analyze & build stuff with more Google apps
Open and edit Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations on your phone or tablet.
Quickly create, access and organize notes, lists and photos with Google Keep.
Run a survey, or quickly create a team roster with a simple online form. Then check out the results, neatly organized in a spreadsheet.
Add some color to your documents, presentations and websites with easy to create charts and diagrams.
Develop scripts to enhance your favorite apps like Docs, Sheets, Forms, Drive, Calendar and Gmail.
Bust your data out of its silo! Combine it with other data on the web. Collaborate, visualize and share. (Experimental).
With 15 GB of free storage, you can safely keep thousands of photos, hours of audio and video, and big presentations safely in Drive. Never worry about broken or lost hardware.

Visit your Drive storage page to find out how much space you're using and how you're using it. If you need more than 15GB, you can buy more storage, starting at just $4.99/month for 100GB.

Your free storage is shared across Drive, Gmail, and Google+ Photos, and you can use it however you'd like.

Store files up to 10 GB in Drive. Stuff you create with Drive apps don't use storage.
Emails and attachments in Gmail use your storage.
Pictures you keep in Google+ photos smaller than 2048 pixels are free.
Add files by downloading Google Drive for your PC or via Google Drive webpage.

What's new
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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Google Drive 81.0.5

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