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Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Voting_barPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Voting_barPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Voting_barPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Voting_barPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Voting_barPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Voting_barPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Voting_barPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_rcap 
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_lcapPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Voting_barPulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Vote_rcap 
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 Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod v5.6.3

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Mensajes : 70278
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 Empty
MensajeTema: Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod v5.6.3   Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 EmptyDom Sep 24, 2023 7:19 am

Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod  v5.6.3 18b4f2087e68fbd5e0fa3b239e423c86
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod v5.6.3
Team R2R | 22 Sep 2023 | 16.2MB

Pulsar Modular P42 Climax is an innovative multifaceted powerstrip for tone shaping/coloration, saturation and conjures more of the idea of working with multiple pro-grade audio hardware units. P42 Climax begins with the heartbeat of a hardware line amp, and ends on every single track because it has the cpu coverage to do so (more than 300 instances in a single session). Sculpt your perfect sound whether processing a single instrument, grouped tracks, the 2-bus or even when mastering. The sound is simply. unbelievable!

P42 Climax is a chameleon like, able to assimilate many different coloring hardware devices, but never intended to copy any single one! P42 Climax works magic on drum bus, snare, and of course the bass guitar. Inserting P42 on the 2-bus track, immediately opens up your mix and exposes hidden gems in your mix. With its Mid/Side processing and detailed metering (peak, RMS and LUFS) and Auto. Gain Compensation workflow, P42 fits nicely into your mastering signal chain, making it an essential tool to most Mastering engineers around the world.
Organic hardware-like feel & behavior.
Pulsar Modular signature Shelving boost EQ (Low & High).
Switch shelves to proportional boost EQ.
Signature LPF and HPF.
Tube-like odd harmonics saturation slider.
Super low cpu tax and zero sample latency!
Works with Mono, Dual Mono or Stereo signal.
All parameters are exposed to your DAW for automation.
macOS: AU, AAX and VST3 formats.
Windows: VST3 and AAX formats.
Linux LV2 format coming soon!
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Mod v5.6.3

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