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Hitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_lcapHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Voting_barHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_rcap 
Hitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_lcapHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Voting_barHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_rcap 
Hitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_lcapHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Voting_barHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_rcap 
Hitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_lcapHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Voting_barHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_rcap 
Hitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_lcapHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Voting_barHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_rcap 
Hitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_lcapHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Voting_barHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_rcap 
Hitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_lcapHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Voting_barHitek Automize Enterprise  13.07 Vote_rcap 
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Hitek Automize Enterprise 13.07
File size: 70 MB

Automize is a task scheduler and automation program. Easy to use, No programming is required.This task scheduler and automation software can automate a variety of tasks, including FTP transfers, FTP monitoring, Web downloads, Web site monitoring, e-mail checking and sending, Telnet, ping, database SQL, advanced zip, unzip, copy, synchronize folders, and directory and file monitoring. In addition, the chaining feature can run tasks in sequence or conditionally depending on exit codes.

Additional features include email notifications on task failure, FTP browsing, ZIP file viewer, extensive logging, remote task control and more. It supports dynamic variables to achieve advanced automation tasks. Email notification profiles based on exit code can be set for tasks.Schedules can be synchronized to allow or prevent overlapping schedules. Dynamic variables allow for advanced automation solutions. Number of command-line utilities are available to remotely and programmatically control tasks and the scheduler.The program is written in Java and therefore Multi-platform compatible.

Features of "Automize"
* Automate and execute tasks as well as other software programs and applications. No programming or script knowledge is required.
* Email Notification for all tasks based on task exit code.
* Dynamic variables are supported for most tasks. Most tasks also generate variables which can be used in other tasks. Create advanced automation solutions using our Automize tasks in conjunction with variables, directory/file monitors and our task chains.
* Command and Windows Command tasks can run your batch files, scripts or executable programs. It can also terminate them or obtain their exit codes for use in other Automize tasks.
* Chain Task Integrator includes Commands, database sql, check email, Ftp, Web downloads, send email, url spider downloads and monitors, telnet, ping, copy, print files etc.. Run multiple programs, commands, ftp, email, web downloads etc.. in sequence with options depending on Exit codes.
* Automate FTP to/from an intranet or internet server. Schedule ftp of files between your PC and the server and automatically rename the files based on current month, day or time if needed. Ftp supports wildcards (*). Transfer multiple files at once. Supports Ftp logging and can be used as an Ftp daemon.
* Ftp Command task can run RFC ftp commands in sequence.
* Schedule downloads of your favorite sports, weather, news or entertainment web page from the internet. You can automate downloads to a local filename based on the current month, day, or time for archiving. Web downloads supports Proxy Authorization for folks behind proxy servers.
* Monitor websites for any updates. Downloads any web page that has been modified.
* Check email and download email with attachments. Only messages meeting user set subject, date or sender conditions are downloaded.
* Schedule email messages with attachments to multiple recipients.
* Database SQL. Automatically send sql statements to databases. Monitor a database table for changes
* Telnet can be automated. Run your Telnet commands on a schedule. The Advanced Telnet task can wait for your commands to finish (by detecting the telnet prompt); and then send the next telnet command.
* Ping a server to check if it is up. Maintains uptime statistics for your server.
* Automate programs, tasks or batch files with command line arguments. Launch a schedule program and pass command line arguments and start/working directory information to it.
* Zip files and directories using wildcards on schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.
* Copy files and directories using wildcards on schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.
* Automate Microsoft Office products: Schedule a MS Access, Excel, MS Word, PowerPoint macro or other commandline startup switch. You can also schedule an Access macro and compact or repair the database.
* Print document files or delete files on schedule
* Monitor directory tree for changes
* Alarms, message reminders

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

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