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MensajeTema: Acustica Audio Ash Ultra v2023 macOS   Acustica Audio Ash Ultra v2023  macOS EmptyDom Dic 03, 2023 1:23 am

Acustica Audio Ash Ultra v2023  macOS 56a3503e028492c1fa3843fc70e187a6
Acustica Audio Ash Ultra v2023 macOS
RYZEN | 02 December 2023 | 281 MB

Ash Ultra, the cool latest addition to the ever-evolving ASH plugin suite, available in VST, VST3, AAX, and AU formats.

This new plugin represents the cutting-edge in clipping. It is based on the new 'Aria' engine, which supports real-time metering displays and introduces new significant features. It is designed to be user-friendly and delivers exceptional results - truly a godsend.
Key Features
Hyper 3 technology.
New "Anti-Aliasing" algorithm that significantly reduces the plugin's aliasing issues.
New High-quality dithering algorithm with 8 different modes.
5 dithering bit depths modes.
New High-Quality Clipping Algorithm, Even More Efficient.
Improved sampled clipping curves thanks to a new smoothing process.
New 'Aria' engine supporting the new dynamic / real-time metering displays.
Advanced Metering System with Real-Time Waveform Display: A new visual interface
that includes RMS Input-Output meters and GR meters, designed to swiftly identify peaks and extreme values in the audio signal. This feature allows you to keep a constant eye on the attenuation curve and the amount of plugin distortion /clipping. This is a significant addition, particularly beneficial for mixing and mastering, as it provides real-time insight into how your audio is performing and whether there are any obvious issues, such as excessive distortion.
The Knee display is used to show the compression static curve.
Visual Control and Precise Calibration: Ash Ultra fits into a landscape of plugins that emphasize strong graphical components, offering the primary advantage of
providing a highly detailed view of audio information. This is particularly valuable for audio engineers a highly detailed view of audio information. This is particularly valuable for audio engineers seeking to finely adjust parameters with utmost precision, allowing for exact calibration of the available controls. For instance, when working on saturation in great detail, a detailed visualization is extremely useful. Furthermore, it proves beneficial when there is a need to adhere to specific technical adjustments or audio production standards.
Instant Feedback: Enhanced instant response of the controls, capable of providing immediate feedback on the impact of your adjustments, enabling you to make real time changes to the signal to achieve the desired sound quickly.
Easy to use and cool looking interface.
High quality oversampling, up to 1024x (the highest and best on the market) with perfect phase response.
Hard and Soft knee functions with very low aliasing.
True peak mode to prevent inter-sample peaks.
25 sampled, custom and super linear analog clipping modes available derived from ASH.
Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
System Requirements
macOS 10.14 or newer


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Acustica Audio Ash Ultra v2023 macOS

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