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Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_lcapMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Voting_barMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_lcapMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Voting_barMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_lcapMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Voting_barMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_lcapMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Voting_barMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_lcapMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Voting_barMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_lcapMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Voting_barMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_lcapMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Voting_barMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_rcap 
Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_lcapMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Voting_barMossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Vote_rcap 
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 Mossaik Classic Pro 1.0.5

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Mensajes : 70278
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Empty
MensajeTema: Mossaik Classic Pro 1.0.5   Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 EmptyMar Dic 12, 2023 7:19 am

Mossaik Classic Pro  1.0.5 Fb2cdedf45959d15b8930116a57fc5a2
Mossaik Classic Pro 1.0.5
Languages: Multilingual
File Size: 99.59 MB

Mossaik Classic is an incredible medium to bring you closer to Iris... the human aperture to the the wide open world. Utilizing the latest developments in imaging and editing technology, Mossaik Classic bridges advanced technology and your editing needs with a clutter-free, cognitive and dashboard style user interface.

Supported with big data anlaysis, Mossaik Classic has been engineered to balance editing needs without overloading with superfluous features, and priced for what you will mostly use. Mossaik Classic engineering brings every pixel in your control, powered by proprietary Pixtream© graphics engine which puts your GPU to work seamlessly for you.
- 32 filters and presets
- AI powered global adjustments
- 16 and 32-bit image editing
- RGB, CMYK and L*a*b color spaces
- Support for cameras - Sony, Kodak, Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, Samsung etc
- GPU powered image processing engine
- Pro Color Grading tools
- HDR and XDR rendering
- Selected Adjustments like radial and gradient tools
- ARM and x64 compatible
- Saturation, Contrast, Vibrance, Exposure, Temperature, Brightness global tools
- Radial and Gradient Tools
- Tone Curves, Perspective, Vignette, VHS, Retro
- Over 50 conscientiously designed global adjustments
- 32 delicately crafted Presets, powered by Mossaik Xpress, enjoy one click instant editing
- Powerful RAW image processing engine
- Completely non-destructive edits, go back in time and change your editing trajectory with infinite history
- Realtime rendering of edits in the image, histogram, sliders, tone curves and the filmstrip- zero lag
- 50+ mega pixel support
- Pan/zoom at 60 fps and higher when supported, even with huge images
- RGB, RGB Hex, LAB, CMYK, Grayscale color models and lab color spaces
- 16 and 32 bit image editing
- Raw and Compressed images processing
- Supports P3 color gamut and ships with multiple ICC color profiles
- Support for saved image contexts - continue from where you left
- Unlimited filter layers
- Wide gamut dynamic range non destructive adjustments
- Precise 'one increment at a time' adjustments with keyboard arrow keys with an option for manual numerical input
- Live rendering of edits - instant feedback for high efficiency
- Infinite history and infinite 'Undo', completely lossless
- Unprecedented infinite filmstrip with live rendering of edits
Pro Processing
- Raw and compressed images processing
- Exposure, Gamma, Temperature, Tint, Blacks, vibrance, HSL, whites, shadow, highlights,
Special effects with AI denoise and Sharpen, lens correction and Fringing, Chromatic shift, Vignette, Grain
- Dynamic Histogram
- Exif metadata information
- Crop and tilt, 8 Preset industry standard crop options
- RGB, RGB Hex, LAB, CMYK and Grayscale color models
- Dynamic Tone Curves for all frequencies and RGB
Built for Windows
- DirectX and OpenCL
- Optimized for 64-bit and multiple core processors
- Supports regular, retina and multiple monitor setups
- External GPU support
Release Notes
- Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

System Requirements
- OS: Windows 10 version 14316.0 or higher
- Architecture: x64
Microsoft Store - Pro Version


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Mossaik Classic Pro 1.0.5

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