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Final Draft 13.0.3  macOS Vote_lcapFinal Draft 13.0.3  macOS Voting_barFinal Draft 13.0.3  macOS Vote_rcap 
Final Draft 13.0.3  macOS Vote_lcapFinal Draft 13.0.3  macOS Voting_barFinal Draft 13.0.3  macOS Vote_rcap 
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 Final Draft 13.0.3 macOS

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Mensajes : 69941
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2016

Final Draft 13.0.3  macOS Empty
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Final Draft 13.0.3 macOS

Final Draft 13.0.3  macOS B358e2e5e4ab01cf7df03d284d55aba9

File size: 111 MB

Write movie and TV scripts, stage plays, and new media with Final Draft - the number-one selling entertainment industry-standard application that combines powerful word processing with professional script formatting.

There is no need to learn about script formatting rules - Final Draft automatically formats your script to industry standards as you write.
Works seamlessly with the new Final Draft Writer app for iPad (sold separately).
* Scene View - Outline your script and reorder scenes using a simple drag-and-drop interface.
* Navigator - View, sort and filter the important details of your scenes, Scriptnotes and Characters.
* Index Cards - Easily outline your story and restructure your script one scene at a time.
* ScriptNotes - Make general or element specific color-coded notes that won't affect your script's pagination.
* Templates - Over 100 classic and current television shows, screenplay, stageplay, and graphic novel templates are available with the option to customize your own.
* Pagination - Final Draft paginates your script perfectly to industry standards universally for OSX, PC or iPad.
* Watermarking in Printing and PDF Options - You can print your watermarked script to any printer with standardized paper size or save directly to PDF in flawless script format.
* Panels System - Split your screen in half so you can view scene outlines while simultaneously writing your script.
* Final Draft Courier Font - We have created the ideal screenwriting font that is easy to read while meeting industry requirements.
* Writing Management - Check content you've written to help you manage your writing goals.
* Format Assistant - After you're finished with your first draft, run Format Assistant to make sure there are no formatting errors.
* Retina and Full Screen Support - Benefit from the convenience of distraction-free writing in full screen mode, as well as retina display compatibility.
* Mac OSX Dictation Support - Mac's built-in OSX dictation feature works with Final Draft allowing for hands-free writing that's as fast as your ideas.
* Title Page - Create and easily include a professional Title Page with your script.
* Revision Mode - Revise your script as often as you'd like. Save different revisions for production purposes.
* Page Locking - Omit scenes, lock pages and A-pages, and set revision colors. You can take your script all the way from concept to final production.
* Colored Production Pages for Revisions - Colored border allows for writing ease, with solid color production pages in PDF for distribution.
* Character Highlighting - Use to highlight specific characters' lines for table reads or when writing to track characters' dialogue.
* Customizable Reporting - Final Draft offers you seven different reports for production including Scene, Character, and Location reports. Print or email reports separately from your script.
Release Notes

Supported Operation Systems
macOS 10.15 or later



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Final Draft 13.0.3 macOS

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