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MensajeTema: Apple Service Diagno...   Apple Service Diagno... EmptyMar Oct 18, 2016 2:49 am

Apple Service Diagnostics 3S143
Apple Service Diagno... Image

Apple Service Diagnostics 3S143 (Mac OS X) | 2.43 GB
Note: ASD 3S143 is updated and replaces version ASD 3S141 for Mac Pro (Mid 2010).
Apple Service Diagnostics (ASD) is distributed to Apple Service Providers. The Apple Service Diagnostics application is designed to run

both EFI and Mac OS X tests from an external USB hard drive. Apple Service Diagnostics (EFI) runs low-level tests of the hardware
directly and does not require Mac OS X, while Apple Service Diagnostics (OS) uses Mac OS X to run tests.
Installing Apple Service Diagnostics on a USB hard drive
Please refer to the document "Installing ASD on a USB hard drive" included with this release.
Note: ASD is tested with a custom Mac OS that is supplied in the image. As a test requirement the OS is set up as a root user. DO NOT
copy ASD to another OS or some tests will fail. Also running ASD on another OS removes some of the Finder menu items and sets
preferences specifically for ASD requirements. It will damage your OS so use the one provided.
Booting and using the Apple Service Diagnostics application
Before using Apple Service Diagnostics, disconnect any Ethernet network, USB, and audio cables.
With the USB hard drive containing ASD OS 3S143 and ASD EFI 3S143 plugged into a USB port, restart the computer and hold down
the option key as the computer boots up into the Boot Picker. To run ASD (EFI) select the "ASD EFI 3S143" drive icon and press return
or select it with a mouse click. To run ASD (OS) select the "ASD OS 3S143" drive icon and press return or select it with a mouse click.
ASD (EFI) will load in 20-30 seconds; ASD (OS) will load in 1-2 minutes. After running ASD (OS) or ASD (EFI), press the Shut Down
button to shut down the computer. Removed the USB drive.
Name: Apple Service Diagnostics
Version: 3S143
Mac Platform: Intel
OS version: 10.8 or later
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit Intel
RAM minimum: 4 GB
Video RAM: not needed
ASD 3S143
Supports the following machine
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Only

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