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Lectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_lcapLectora Inspire 12.1... Voting_barLectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_rcap 
Lectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_lcapLectora Inspire 12.1... Voting_barLectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_rcap 
Lectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_lcapLectora Inspire 12.1... Voting_barLectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_rcap 
Lectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_lcapLectora Inspire 12.1... Voting_barLectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_rcap 
Lectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_lcapLectora Inspire 12.1... Voting_barLectora Inspire 12.1... Vote_rcap 
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Noviembre 2024
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Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

Lectora Inspire 12.1... Empty
MensajeTema: Lectora Inspire 12.1...   Lectora Inspire 12.1... EmptyJue Oct 20, 2016 12:27 am

Lectora Inspire 12.1.2 Build 10083
Lectora Inspire 12.1... Image_000699a30

Lectora Inspire 12.1.2 Build 10083 | 1.07 GB
12 Times the Productivity, Style and Engagement - Lectora Inspire is here to save the day when you need that extra oomph to create dynamic, engaging e-Learning that stands out from the crowd. There's a reason the Global 2000 choose Lectora to create powerful e-Learning. Take a look at all the new usability improvements we just added in Lectora 12 or keep reading to find out why Lectora has so many fans.

Take your training to the next level with interactions and scenario-based learning. Plus, customize your projects with external code like javascript or HTML5.
Get started right away with the intuitive interface and easy-to-use tools, wizards and custom templates. We're here for you with helpful tips and resources all the time too.
Lectora Inspire includes one full year of maintenance with free upgrades. It also comes with Camtasia, Snagit and Flypaper.
Be an expert in no time.
Your boss will be amazed by how quickly you picked up Lectora. We know it's the intuitive interface and helpful online resources, but don't worry-we'll let you take all the credit.
Achieve your goals.
Create custom e-Learning that fits your needs. A strong question creator and collaborative review tools help you create effective and engaging online training with maximum ROI.
Bring learning to life.
Get the power to create animations with no experience needed, thanks to Lectora's pre-made actions. If you can imagine it, Lectora can build it-and your learners will love it!
Publish your way.
Going mobile? Publish to HTML5 with one click! Need to publish SCORM content? No problem! Exporting survey results to Google Drive? Easy! Want to share your online training on social media? No worries!
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